Monday, June 25, 2012


 Family Home Evening at Dixie Rock
June 25th, 2012
One of Brody's absolute favorite places to go is Dixie rock. Every single time we drive anywhere where he can see it he points it out, and he usually mentions something about my wedding ring too. Ian brought me to Dixie Rock the night he asked me to marry him and that's where him and Brody gave me my gorgeous ring.
Brody loves exploring all the little caves and places to climb up into.


 I love this picture of Brody, he looks like such a little man!
Up at the very top.

 He always makes sure to point out where the temple is. It makes me so happy that he knows what the temple is.

 Tonight Brody had the great idea to play hide and seek, we all had a blast! It really was a lot of fun, Brody especially could not get enough of it. We started off with one of us counting with him and finding the other.
The first one Brody and I counted and had to find Daddy. Before we even started I reminded Ian that he had to keep in mind how old Brody was, to hide at a 3 year old's level. We looked and looked everywhere for that stinkin Dad, finally he figured we weren't going to find him so he came out. This does NOT look like a 3 year olds level to me Daddy!!

After a while Brody wanted to count by himself and find both of us. We of course stayed close and kept him in sight. He was so excited when he found us!

 We had a great night at Dixie Rock and definitely need to make a trip back soon :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Splash pad with the cousins

Splash pad with the cousins
June 23rd, 2012
Ian was home for the day so we thought it would be fun to bring Brody and the twin boys to the splash pad. It is one of Brody's favorite places to go although we don't get there often since it is so hot! I usually cant take the heat for too long so its easier to go swimming. But once in a while we make it down there.
Brody and one of the twin boys playing, not sure which one!

Headed home, as you can see they all had a blast and were pretty excited because of it!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Girls Camp

An evening at Girls Camp
June 22nd, 2012
The young women invited the Bishopric and their families to join them at girls camp tonight for dinner and testimony meeting, so we headed up to Pine Mountain to join them. Brody was of course thrilled, he loves being outdoors and in the mountains.
While we were waiting for the other bishopric members some of the girls showed us this fun little stream, here's Lauren helping Brody. Brody just loved Lauren, they have had us over for dinner a few times and he thinks shes pretty fun!

I don't know If I have ever seen Brody more happy then when he is outdoors like this, he just loves it! He constantly asks his Dad a I when we can go camping next, he just cant get enough of it.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day
June 17th, 2012
Brody and I have been looking forward to Fathers Day for quiet some time now. We were so excited to do something special for not only Ian's first fathers day but also Ian and Brody's first fathers day together.
We got together with Ian's sister Ariel and made the worlds best daddy shirts (please excuse my handwriting) with her and my cute nephew Jacob. Brody thought it was the coolest thing ever. He had a blast doing the hand and foot prints!
I really wanted to do a shadowbox filled with pictures of just Brody and Ian. I wanted Ian to see just how awesome of a Dad he is, and how much he does with and for Brody. Brody really enjoyed picking which pictures to use, I made sure to involve Brody in everything. And of course the oreos are a given, we couldn't not get Daddy's favorite cookies!
Brody was beyond thrilled to give Daddy his presents, it was the cutest thing to watch these two. Ian would probably prefer me not to say this, but he even got teary eyed when he read our cards. He really is an amazing Dad!

Since it was Sunday we thought it would be a good idea to go walk around the temple.

 We had a great Fathers Day with an amazing Dad! Ian really has been amazing, he loves Brody and I can see it with everything he does. Watching them melts my heart. I love Brody more then life itself, but to see someone come into his life that hasn't always been in it and share that same love for him in such an incredible thing. I couldnt have even imagined finding a better father for Brody, we are so blessed to have Ian in our lives.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A day at the lake

 A day at the lake
June 16th, 2012
Brody's cousins are here for the summer visiting Grandma and Grandpa, so we decided to take everyone out to Sand Hallows and spend the day at the lake. All the kids were of course way excited, and us adults enjoyed it a lot too!
Brody loves being at the lake! He loves everything about it...going swimming in the lake, playing in the sand, building sand castles, eating lots of junk food and just plain being outside.

This little boy tested it today! He kept seeing just how far he could go out and still touch the bottom.

Having fun with cousin Kelly.

Brody especially loves going out into the deep water with Daddy.

We finally got Brody to learn how to hold his breath and go under the water.

The boys (plus some) playing in the sand. This was one of their favorie things to do.

Headed home. I just had the get a picture of the hubby and I. I swear he put that stinkin bandanna on just because he knows I hate it! Silly boys.

All the kids nice and worn out :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Tuckers Party

 Tuckers Birthday Party
June 8th, 2012
One of Brody's good friends had a Birthday party today. We have been so lucky to have made some really great friends here, especially lucky that there are boys Brody's age!! Its so much fun to get together and watch the kids have such a great time.
Tuckers party was a blast for the kids of course. They had a bunch of these swimming things and a slip and slide set up, they even had these super fun pizza kit things that the kids could make their own pizza with. I only got these two pictures of the party, but i think it shows pretty well just how much fun the boys had :)
Brody Kaleb and Cooper having a great time!
