30 weeks
October 16th, 2012
far along? 30 weeks 4 days
weight gain: 21 pounds. That sounds so scary! But
my doctor isn’t worried at all. And despite how HUGE I feel at my last doctor’s
appointment I was 30 weeks but only measuring between 28 and 29 weeks. So I
guess I’m still doing ok as far as weight gain.
clothes? I did buy one new shirt at a thrift store the other day. But still no
pants, I’m going to need to find a cheap but still cute (do those even exist?!)
pair pretty soon though.
marks? Still no new ones and still tummy free
Sleep: Last night was actually the best night of sleep I’ve had in a
long time. I didn’t even notice Ian get up and get ready this morning. Most
nights I still need to get up a couple times to go to the restroom, back pain
in still an issue with getting comfortable as well. On the bright side though
my acid reflex isn’t keeping me up too much anymore, its bad when I’m trying to
go to sleep but by the time I wake up in the middle of the night my medication
has usually kicked in.
moment this week? Saturday was a very good day. We got
to spend most of the afternoon and evening together, which is quiet a treat for
us. We went to the taste of Dixie festival and
then to the pumpkin patch.
anything? Shaved Icees :( Even though I only had
2 this summer, I have been dreaming of them for months! I talked Ian into
letting me get just one more before they close but it was too late! They are
both closed! It was a very sad day when I drove by both and saw the sorry, were
closed sign. If someone was there they would have got the wrath of a pregnant
craving woman!
Movement: Yes, more and more. Today she was really active especially. And
it always seems that when I’m laying down she is the most active.
cravings: Of course shaved Icees, as always. They
had the Hawaiian ones at the festival but Ian said they were too expensive :( I
knew that was my last chance of getting one since the summer season is over.
aversions: Ground beef is still the only one.
Boy or
girl: Girl :)
signs: No, and we pray it stays that way for
a while.
Symptoms: exhaustion, back pain, acid reflex, and irritation. I have
noticed my patience it becoming increasingly thin with this last trimester. It’s
almost like the 1st all over again.
Button in or out? Still half in half out. I think it may
be all the way out by the time were done though.
ring on or off? On
forward to: This weekend my sister should be
coming to visit. We are all pretty excited about that. She was going to come
for Brody’s birthday but ended up not being able to make it so she’s coming to
spend the weekend with us.
Fun facts: We still haven’t
decided on a name yet, but we have narrowed it down to two first names and two
middle names. Either middle name being able to work with either first name. BUT
I think we want to keep the final decision a surprise, partly because we just don’t
want to hear negative feedback if there is any and also because we probably won’t
be able to decide till we absolutely have to haha. Also it is the middle of October and I refuse to sleep without the air conditioner on not to mention we sleep on top of the bed with just a thin blanket that never stays on. Now I know St. George is hot but I think my pregnancy is finally getting to me as far as my body heat goes. I'm usually a really cold person, so something is up. And one more fun fact, our baby girl had her first (noticeable) hiccups in my tummy in the early afternoon on Saturday. Ian was gone and didn't get to feel them but Brody did, he thought it was pretty cool.

This picture isn't that great but it'll do. It was Ian's late night at school and I'm already almost done with this week so I figured Id better do it. Lucky Brody got to be Mr. picture taker tonight!!
And yes I feel like I'm getting huge!! But I'm almost 31 weeks, I feel like I have a right to be huge...right? Haha at least I'm running with that excuse.