Friday, May 31, 2013

Camping Adventures

Camping Adventures
Thursday & Friday
May 30th & 31st, 2013
Brody loves camping, hes constanly asking to go! Ian has the week off for summer so we packed up and went. We are lucky to live to close to a forest, only about a 30 minute drive to get to this particular place. This was also Kinsley's first camping experience!
She was so cute! When I first brought her out of the car she couldn't stop looking at the trees, she was just checking it all out.

She loved being on the ground because she was able to put all kinds of things in her mouth! As you can see she already got who knows what in there haha. She couldn't quiet figure out how to get this long weed in there though.

Brody waisted absolutely no time getting dirty! The second we got there the fun began for him :)

He found a dried dandelion and told me it was "a wisher maker" :)

We found this very dried up sad looking pond, Bro had fun throwing sticks and logs into it!

 Kinsley smiling at her favorite person, Brody...he never fails to make her smile.  

 Completely and absolutely adore these two.

Ian carving our roasting sticks

Brody cant go camping without making s'mores...even though he only ever eats one haha. But he sure loves his one!

 Being silly!

 Smashing all the bugs he possibly can.

Kinsley waking up from a little prebed nap.

Looking at the stars. One thing that Arizona has is beautiful clear skies to see stars!
This is when things started to get freaky for Kinsley. After she woke up from her nap she acted different, she was wide eyed the whole time. Everything seemed to be so strange to her.

The tent especially freaked her out. I don't know if it was all the shadows or the noises from the animals/insects, or maybe the fact that we were all sleeping together? Whatever it was she wasn't too sure of it. She had quiet the rough night to say the least! I got a couple hours of broken sleep at the most. One mistake we made was she slept in my sleeping bag with me, not doing that again!

Cutie pie!

She woke up just as freaked out as she went to sleep.

 Ian switched me sleeping spots in the morning so I could catch a few hours of sleep.

Doing some exploring in the morning. 

Checking out a tepee someone left

 Kinsley and I took a nap while Daddy and Bro did some more exploring.

 Not quiet sure how this happened because I only saw it once it was done, but this crazy girl not only rolled over but turned completely around.

Talk about dirty feet!! Not sure how this happened since he always had shoes on!

This was one of Brody's favorites things to do, dig! He dug so many holes while we were there, what a hard working guy.

He also did a lot of work on our he is fixing it!
 Brody and Dad brought back a headband from either exploring. Good thing since I didn't bring any ;)

Camping must have worn these kids out because they both crashed!! Ian and I almost didn't know what to do with both kids asleep...this never happens! I had a hard time letting Brody lay on the chair with how dirt he was...seriously look at his hands! I don't know how but he managed to always stay this dirty no matter how many times I wiped him clean!

 Id say this picture is a good indication of a great camping trip :)

Saturday, May 25, 2013


May 25th, 2013
We finally got Brody's Tball pictures back. We were a little nervous as to how they would turn out, he has issues with smiling for pictures. He either does a super cheesy smile, squints his eyes to the point to where their closed, looks slightly away from the camera or often times a combination of all three...but to our surprise they turned out great!! I wore his button for a while then Bro wanted Kinsley to take a turn...She thought it was pretty fun. She actually thought it was a fun chew toy really!
 I just couldn't pick my favorite so I put all of them up :)

While I was putting it on Brody was taking pictures too (I had no idea till I looked at my phone later :P), I just love the look on her face, almost like "uh what the heck do you think your putting on me???"

Happy Baby!

Happy Baby!!
May 25th, 2013
Kinsley completely adores her big brother. He is by far the person who makes her laugh the most, and like I mentioned before most of the time he isn't even trying. This time he was just making crazy noises and she thought it was pretty hilarious!
I forgot to turn the camera, but its still a cute video :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

End of Tball

T ball Party
May 24th, 2013
Brody's T Ball season has come to an end, It was quiet an adventure that's for sure! The season started out rough but he ended up loving his time on the field...or with his team mates, either way he had a great time. Friday was scheduled to be their last game but they had a party and just messed around instead. I was sick with the stomach flu so wasn't able to go. Brody said he had a great time though; they gave out trophy's, eat pizza and cake and just ran around the field having a great time. We're excited for the next sport!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Daddy's Little Girl

Daddy's Little Girl
May 23rd, 2013
Ian is such a great Dad, and a great help to me.  He really is an awesome hands on Dad, always willing to help me with the kids. Even if its really for no reason other then I need a break. Today was Ian's last day of school and it was a shorter then usual one so it was great to have him home! He will be tutoring for summer school but has the next week off.
For some odd reason Kinsley loves sitting with her Dad like this, we have no idea why! If shes crabby and nothing seems to work chances are good this will..unless shes super crabby at that point nothing really works! So cute to see them vegging out watching Top Gear together haha.
Later on snuggling up with Daddy :)

 Just hanging out with my princess before getting ready for bed.

Our two loves :)

Growing up!

Growing up!!
May 23rd, 2013

Kinsley's legs are getting so strong!! She loves to stand while I'm holding her up and has such great strength so I decided to see if she could do it supported by the couch...and guess what, she can!! Not for a long time but she sure can do it. My baby girl is growing up WAY too fast.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5 Months

5 Months
May 21st, 2013

5 months!! How is that even possible! Cant believe our baby is almost half a year old! She was not in the smiling mood while taking pictures, silly girl. So no smiles, but lots of cutsie baby pictures still :)
We had a wic appointment on the 14th where she weighed 14 pounds 13 ounces and was 26 inches long. She was in the 45 percentile for weight and the high 90’s for height; I can’t remember the exact number. The lady we saw said she is doing great with her weight. It’s still crazy to me that she started off so huge and hasn’t even been close to being that big again. She doesn’t seem small to us by any means though, it’s just the numbers. She still has her cute little rolls on her arms and legs :) She is definitely getting longer, that’s noticeable just by looking at her.
This poor girl has been sick more then any other baby I’ve known. I blame it on Prescott…haha still not lovin the move :P In all reality I do think it has something to do with it though. I swear one of us has been sick the whole time we have been here. I know for sure she had at least one cold this month that I can remember because it just happened. It was pretty rough on us all! She got a cough from it which greatly affected her sleep. She would cough which would either wake her up or if she had her binky would cause it to fall out and she would cry for it…either way her cough would always wake her up.
This girl and her sleep!! Her sleep habits are so up and down, and there’s really nothing I can do to stop it. She will sleep through the night for a couple weeks then we will have a bad week then a good stretch again and so on. Like I said earlier it was horrible while she was sick, it felt like we were getting up nonstop at night with her. She has been waking up earlier as well, like anywhere from 9 to 10, sometimes later if I’m lucky. Her naps have also changed, she used to take at least one 3 to 3 ½ hour nap every day, and multiple shorter ones, not so much anymore. The longest she has napped lately is for 2 hours, but on average it’s more like an hour. Let’s just say this month hasn’t been a good change as far as sleep goes.  

Baby clothes are so unpredictable. She can wear anything from 3 months, 3-6 months, 6 months and even a few 6-9 months. For the majority she is in 3-6 and 6 months though. I don’t mind her wearing her smaller leggings/jeggings because they are just shorter on her and look like capris so it works perfectly for the season!

Still only eating mommy’s milk. She is doing great with nursing, eating about every 2-4 hours. Sometimes she just isn’t interested in eating so after 4 hours I have to try and get her to. We could start feeding her baby cereal (at least as far as the age on the boxes go), but her pediatrician recommended waiting until she is 6 months to feed her any kind of food other then milk. She is doing great with milk so we’re good with holding off on food, less messy and saves us money!    

One of my favorite pics :) Love those big beautiful eyes and puckered lips.
She isn’t completely horrible with crying, but she sure knows how. She loves being held and getting lots of attention. She will play with her toys for a while but wont last long without crying. I do wish that she was better at self soothing. Most nights I have to put her in her bumbo chair and in the kitchen with me while I’m making dinner, as long as she can see me and I talk to her she usually does pretty good. It’s mostly when she feels alone or isn’t getting enough attention that she cries…and this girl doesn’t just cry it’s almost like she’s ticked off and yelling at us. It’s actually quiet comical until she’s been doing on for a while of course!

Her hand eye coordination is becoming really good; she can now see something, grab it and do what she wants with it. She is even able to grab her binky off the ground and sometimes put it in her mouth. Her legs are getting so strong too; she is able to support her own weight for a lot longer now like in the jumper or while I’m holding her up. On May 4th I was saying Hi to her a bunch of times and she said Hi back to me!! I’m sure it was by complete accident but its still pretty fun! At her last Doctors appointment, for her four month shots, her doctor was telling me how babies her age are like little inch worms. I had no idea what she was talking about at the time because Kinsley really didn’t move around that much at all. Well this month I totally understood what she was talking about, Kinsley by all means in a complete inch worm. At first I had no idea how she did it, I would lay her down on the ground, usually under her gym and she would be in a completely different spot the next time I looked at her. Finally I saw it in action, she scoots around a lot. It’s a combination of her lifting her legs up to play with them then half rolling over and scooting. Its actually pretty amazing how far she can move with how little it seems she does, I mean when she does it she isn’t rolling completely and she isn’t even close to crawling, but she still moves! Another fun thing about this month is she is laughing a lot more. It is so fun to see her laugh and smile, her whole face lights up when she’s happy. Brody is by far the one who makes her laugh the most, and a lot of the time he’s not even trying.

Products I'm loving
She’s still at that stage where she’s so young she doesn’t really require a whole lot of products. I’m still totally loving her backpack carrier though, it sure is a lifesaver when we go for family walks on trails where strollers can’t go or when Bro and I go down to our neighborhood park (also can’t bring a stroller). I also love her Bumbo seat. It is so nice to put her in it while making dinner or busy cleaning; it makes her feel like she’s still a part of the action and allows me to get things done. We also put her in it almost ever night up on the table while we eat dinner so she doesn’t feel left out.

Fun Facts
This girl is so quirky! For instance she absolutely loves being upside down. She will be lying on someone’s lap and want her head to hang off upside down, she seriously loves it! She also loves it when Ian sits on the couch and she will sit on the ground in between his legs, so weird but she is so content while sitting this way. Her head is without a doubt her soothing point, she loves having the side of her head and cheeks rubbed. She also loves having pressure on her head, When she’s inconsolable sometimes all we have to do it gently squeeze both sides on her cheeks and she will stop crying. I think this comes from the fact that when she was first born for quiet a while she slept with me and always on her side, so she always had that pressure on her face. On April 29th we moved her bed into Brody’s room!! Another funny thing we have noticed is she has a completely real fear of brown haired women. Ian mentioned it but I hadn’t really noticed it until my friend who has dark, almost black hair, held her and she started freaking out. She cries every time a dark haired person holds her, but is usually fine when a light haired person holds her…maybe something to do with mommy having blond hair? I have also discovered her first mole, on the right side of her neck. Probably hadn’t noticed it before now because of all her rolls :P Now that were starting to see more of her neck you can see it. One more, her hair is starting to get thicker and longer :)

Just a side note from mommy…
I’ve noticed with my second child I’m able to live in the moment more and enjoy each stage for its own uniqueness. With Brody I was always so excited for him to do the next fun thing or learn something new, and though I do try and help Kinsley learn as much as possible for her age I know that the next big achievement will come soon enough. I know that these moments are precious and short and not to rush them with trying to make her older then she is. I love each stage she has already been through, but in all honesty if anything I miss the old rather then hope for the new. Babies are so sweet and precious and they grow up way way too fast.

Kisses from our entertainer :)
