11 Months
November 21st, 2013
Miss Kins was so not cooperating with pictures with month. This was the best I could get!
Miss Kins was so not cooperating with pictures with month. This was the best I could get!
Her last Doctors
appointment was on the 11th and her stats were 18 pounds 2 ounces
for weight and 2 feet 5.75 inches, or 29.75 inches for height. From the charts
the doctor printed off I can’t tell the exact percentile but for her height she
is between 90 and 95% and for weight she is between 10 and 25%, that’s our tall
skinny girl.
She wasn’t doing too good again so I took her into the Doctor and she once again had an ear infection. I’m not sure if it was a new one or just the same one never went away. I feel so bad for her, I personally know what ear infections feel like and they are far from fun. I could tell her ears were bothering her because she would pick at them so much there would be scabs inside her ear. She also had a really bad cold and came home from her appointment with a humidifier, which I might add she absolutely and completely hated. She also is taking Iron supplement drops now because we found out she is anemic. Her doctor was hesitant to test her levels while she was sick but did anyways, and her results were low enough that is was more then just her cold affecting it, so our poor little girl for now is anemic. We knew something was going on because of her little desire to eat much of anything, hopefully the iron helps.
She wasn’t doing too good again so I took her into the Doctor and she once again had an ear infection. I’m not sure if it was a new one or just the same one never went away. I feel so bad for her, I personally know what ear infections feel like and they are far from fun. I could tell her ears were bothering her because she would pick at them so much there would be scabs inside her ear. She also had a really bad cold and came home from her appointment with a humidifier, which I might add she absolutely and completely hated. She also is taking Iron supplement drops now because we found out she is anemic. Her doctor was hesitant to test her levels while she was sick but did anyways, and her results were low enough that is was more then just her cold affecting it, so our poor little girl for now is anemic. We knew something was going on because of her little desire to eat much of anything, hopefully the iron helps.
She still isn’t
sleeping through the night. But I am glad to say that towards the end of the
month she started sleeping in again, so glad she isn’t getting up early
anymore! Every night I lay a blanket on her and every single night she kicks it
off. I’m convinced she doesn’t like them; she always ends up sleeping on top of
her blankets. Like clockwork she wakes up between 4:30 and 5 every morning. Ian
goes and gets her at that point and she stays in bed with us until he gets up
again to get ready for work. She is kind of a crazy sleeper when she’s in our bed;
she likes to sleep with her whole body on top of our pillows. Sometimes we will
get lucky and she will cuddle but other times she makes having 3 people in a
queen bed hard because she doesn’t even want to be touched.
Still pretty
much the same, 9 and 12 month clothes.
Her diet has
kind of gone down hill this month. She doesn’t like to eat a whole lot of
anything. When she is in the mood for eating she prefers normal food over baby
food. One thing I can say for sure she does like is hot chocolate, if you have
some and don’t share good luck! She has finally figured out how to use a Sippy
cup, it’s about time little girl!!
Other then her normal moodiness this month has been a decent one. She didn’t feel good for part of it so I can’t really count that against her. Other then her sick time she has been a pretty good baby J
Other then her normal moodiness this month has been a decent one. She didn’t feel good for part of it so I can’t really count that against her. Other then her sick time she has been a pretty good baby J
Miss Kin’s is
becoming cuddlier, this might not be a “milestone” for some babies but for this
little girl it is!! At the end of last month she started saying Mama and at the
very beginning of this month she was saying Dada but now she isn’t saying
either. She only said Mama on and off for maybe a couple weeks and Dada here
and there for only a week. She just doesn’t seem too interested in talking. She
has become very good at walking with our aid, she hasn’t started walking alone
yet but if she’s holding onto someone’s hand she does pretty well. She still
has that bottom tooth coming through, no new teeth that are fully out.
Products I'm loving
Her Ear drops
and binky clips!!!
Fun Facts
As Always I have
plenty of fun facts for this month. Bro and Kin’s have the cutest relationship
ever! She tends to be a little bossy at times but he’s super sweet about it and
just takes it. She LOVES him so much; she always wants to be around him and
apart of what he is doing. Whenever he uses the restroom she always fallows,
sometimes she manages to get in if he doesn’t close the door all the way and
she will just sit in there with him and baby chat his head off. Other times he
closes the door all the way, which doesn’t make her happy. She will literally
wait by the door until he is done; sometimes she even bangs on the door and
cries till he comes out. Brody goes to bed a little earlier then Miss kin’s at
night, almost every night after he gets into bed she will crawl down the hall,
push open the door and start giggling. She goes over by his bed and chats his
head off, it is the cutest thing ever…she sure loves her big brother!
She loves
dancing with me, I will hold her and dance around the room with her while she
smiles and laughs the whole time. She especially loves when I spin her around
in the air and dip her; this always gets the biggest smiles and giggles. She is
also becoming super ticklish, pretty much in ever imaginable ticklish spot. As
you can tell by all of these pictures she absolutely loves to stand in the
window seal, it’s pretty cold here so we don’t go out a ton which I feel bad
about. I know her looking out the window so much means she would love to go
out, I can’t wait till it warms up a little! Other then the window seal and the
back door (to look at the dogs), her favorite spot to be is on the top of
Brody’s bunk bed.
Kin’s has always
favored me, there’s really no other way to put it…she’s a Mamas girl! Which I
love and hate at the same time, I love it but this mama would like a break once
in a while…a break that didn’t require Ian to hold a screaming baby that more
then obviously doesn’t want him. So I am VERY happy to say she is FINALLY
starting to warm up to the idea of spending time with Dad, she is even starting
to fallow him around the house a little….Thank goodness! I think this is a
pretty common one with babies; she is obsessed with TV remote controls and cell
phones. Its crazy how much babies catch on to, she will take my phone and put
it up to her ear like she’s using it. Sometimes she puts it way back on her
head which is even cuter. They can’t be tricked very easily either, I tried
giving her an old remote control that didn’t work, ya she didn’t go for that!
With how many times this poor girl has been sick she has taken her fair share
of medicine, they must make them taste pretty good because she likes it a
little too much, and she practically bags for it! Also on a positive note it is
getting a lot easier to change her diaper and clothes, she doesn’t fight us
quiet as much. Like I mentioned earlier she isn’t saying any real words, but
she sure does lots of baby jabber. She is always pointing at things…everything
really, puckers her lips and says “oooo”. She loves checking out anything and
everything that is hanging on walls; if you pass a picture she will make you
stop to inspect it. She also loves to wave, she waves a ton. As soon as you
wave back to her though she will stop, but if you walk out the door or turn
around she immediately starts waving again, haha we still need to work on that
a little. And lastly, I am very sad to say she is revolting against her
headbands. This one truly is sad for me for two reasons, 1. She doesn’t have
much hair…at all so she can kind of look like a little boy without a headband
on and 2. She is so dang adorable with them!! It’s been about a month since she
worn them regularly. Really the only time I put them on her anymore is when we
go to church or somewhere special, even then I’m always nervous she will pull
it off and loose it before I notice. So there you have it. There is Miss Kin’s
at the glorious 11 months, only one more month and she will be One year old!