Even Ian is having fun :)
This is the best picture I could get of Kinsley and I on the flying rockets haha.
Pirates of the Caribbean, a personal favorite of mine. And the line is usually manageable so we get to go on it several times.
Don't let Bro's smile fool you, this ride freaks him out! he hates the "dips" as he puts it. Kinsley on the other hand loves it haha cracks me up.
I sure love this guy. This is totally mushy mushy for a Disneyland post but I am so grateful for him and couldn't ask for a better person to have a family with. I may complain about his job a lot more then I should and wish we had more money but he is an amazing father and husband and isn't that really what matters...we are so lucky to have him.
Headed to the haunted house which is surprisingly one of Brody's favorites. Kinsley sure loves her Uncle Tyrell :)
HAHA, I can't help but laugh out loud when I see this picture!!! Brody on Splash Mountain with me...and as you can tell scared crapless!!!
The Tarzan Tree house in another one of Brody's favorite stops. I remember loving it as a child too, it's pretty dang cool.
It was super fun that Kinsley was old enough to walk around and explore things this year.
I can't remember the specific name of this ride, but it's the safari river tour one. This line was unexpectedly long, and it was really hot out!!
Cotton candy, a kids paradise.
I don't even know if it's possible to get this picture without tons of people in the background!? Still way cute of my handsome little man.
I love his smile in all these pictures, pure happiness.
Daddy sneaking some picture's or the Princess and I.
We couldn't not stop in at the dole shack for some pineapple whips...talk about yummy.
Buzz again, with cousin Jacie. Even though these two are years apart in age they are still great buds, Jacie has always adored Brody!
Brody's first time on Startours.
Waiting in line to see Mickey.
And we got to met him!! This was the first year we went into the club house to get a picture with Mickey, I'm glad we did it.
There is a little roller coaster over in the toon section, Kinsley was loving it and dying to go on it. She was under the height requirement by quiet a bit but Ian waiting in line with her to try and sneak past. He would do just about anything for his little girl. Unfortunately his plan didn't work...maybe next year Kinsley.
Brody did get to ride, but was freaked out as you can tell! This goes without saying, but Kinsley is definitely the daredevil of the two!
You can barely see them, but there's Brody Boaz and Adara on the Teacups with Uncle Tyrell.
I thought these pictures of Kins with this little door were stinking adorable! Maybe because it's all miniature like her, and lets face it everything is cuter when it's small!
This one is especially cute, her kicking it back waiting for Bro to figure out how to get it haha.
It must be a memory from riding this as a child myself but I seriously love the Teacups. I can remember trying to spin them as fast as we could and thinking it was the funniest thing ever, and the ride being so magical. So we went on them again!
Her curls...and her freaking cutness...I think I could die!
I love this picture of Bro LOVING the teacups. How did I ever get so lucky to have these two awesome and gorgeous children!?!
Don't mind me...I'm just going to sit here and be as cute as can be :)
I'm going to be so sad when this little girl grows up, there is just something beyond adorable about a tiny little girl!
Watching the fireworks!
Cares land
I remembered going on this ride when I was young and both years we went all we saw was this whale but no actual ride going. Then tonight we walked past it and all the sudden there were boats riding through it, so we jump on it as fast as we could!!
Jacie and I snuck away for a bit to ride Indiana Jones.
And our first night came to an end. We always stay until the closes (crazy with little ones, I know), so the kids were pretty tired but we had such a great day and couldn't wait to go back for more!
I don't know about you, but I think he's outgrown this haha.
Day Two
Waiting for our driver, bright and early.
I think this is the least crowded I've ever gotten this picture. Again we showed up about 30 minutes after it opened and there were already quiet a bit of people there. We were a little freaked out thinking it was going to be a super busy day but It turned out being manageable. Last year we came on July 3rd and it was awesome, the lines were short and the crowds were little. We were told everyone was waiting for the 4th of July to go...not the case this year. One of these time's we will figure out the best day to go!
We made Peter Pan our first ride this time, my favorite child's ride. It is just so magical!
Jacie and I on Indiana Jones again...we really like this ride.
Today was awesome!! We took turns getting away and riding the adult rides with Tyrell and Becca, they watched our kids for 3 hours then we watched theirs. Why did we not think of this last year!?
It was so much fun actually getting the ride the height requirement rides with Ian!
Ian was enjoying himself too :)
Next we hit Splash Mountain. This is going to sound so lame of me but I'll say it anyways. I really don't like going on Splash Mountain so early in the day...You're clothes get all wet and sometimes your hair too, which is then ruined for the rest of the day. I can't be the only one who feels this way right???
Oh don't mind Ian's arm pit sniff...he was trying to kiss his muscles and be funny...didn't really work out for him haha!
While Tyrell and Becca had the kids they took turns waiting in a 3 hour line to see the Frozen princesses...crazy huh!!!
I read that the chicken nuggets at The golden horseshoe were awesome, and they were!! So were the fish and chips.
I don't usually go for cartoon crap all over children's clothes, but even I thought It would be fun to have some Disney outfits for Disneyland. I wouldn't find any in Bro's size but did manage to find some cute dresses for Kins. She picked out her shoes which have Minnie Mouse on the bottom...I'm afraid they might become an obsession of hers.
Best Buds!
It was our turn to watch all of the kids, so we decided to kill some time at the petting zoo...in all honesty I had no idea Disneyland even had a petting zoo before then. It is kind of hard to wait in a long line with Adara so we tried to stick to the easier things.
Next we went on the Mark Twain boat ride, Bro's request.
Later he said this was one of his favorite things of the whole day! I'm sure glad we did it!
Kinsley and Adara can fight like no other...they both have very strong bossy personalities, but they can also really get along. Typical girls I guess haha.
Brody carries this map around with him everywhere we went both days, and was always checking out where we were and needed to be, it was cute!
Next we took a raft out to Tom Sawyer Island. This was the first time the kids had been there and they totally loved it!! We could have spent half the day there and they still wouldn't have wanted to leave. The caves were super fun to explore.
I thought this little girl was so cute just walking around. She has such a big personality for such a little thing, I love it!
After we left the Island Bro took a little power nap. I don't blame him, it was hot and I was worn out too! There was a time during the day when it was so bloody hot I was beginning to wonder if we were crazy coming two days in a row (I was getting a little crabby)! Thankfully it cooled down and I snapped right now of it.
Another trip to the Buzz ride, It's a favorite of ours. Brody was a Space Ace!
Waiting in line for Spacemountain. You wouldn't know by this picture but this ride freaks Brody out, He went on it last year and vowed never again! I was able to talk him into going with us and as we were in line he says "Well, I guess its time for me to be brave." LOL how cute is that!?!
Another trip to the Tarzan tree house.
This is another place Bro could stay all day if we let him.
I don't know what got into him but Bro was on some crazy brave streak and wanted to go on Indiana Jones with us!
A little nervous but mostly excited!
And we snuck in one last trip to carsland before closing.
Not an awesome picture of me but I just couldn't bring myself to delete it. I love Brody in it and I love the memory of us together. Can I please just keep these two as little as they are for a bit longer!??? They are just too precious to grow up.
This time it was Kinsley who crashed.
What a great fun filled two days at Disneyland!! We are so incredible blessed to be able to come here, truly a magical place! Can't wait for next time :)