Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Little Toes

Little Toes
April 28th, 2015
I am finally starting to learn how to shoot in manual. Really this is only my 3rd time, I have by no means perfected it but I have a pretty cute little guy to practice on! Today he fell asleep on my bed so I stretched the blanket out he was laying on and took some close ups of his sweet little hands and feet. I just love little baby hands and toes.  

Monday, April 27, 2015


April 27th, 2015
I absolutely love having another little boy, not that Kinsley isn't tons of fun but its nice to do the whole boy thing again too. Unfortunately I don't have a ton of Brody's baby clothes left so it's fun when I get to put Jace in one of Brody's cute baby outfits. Here's the two he has been able to wear so far, love it!
Brody 3 days old (top)
Jace 5 weeks old (bottom)
Brody 4 days old (top)
Jace 3 weeks 4 days (bottom)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Jace: 1 Month

1 Month
April 29th, 2015

I’m not sure on his weight, he has to be gaining though...it feels like he eats every 5 minutes!

He is still our healthy little boy. 

Baby J is still an awesome sleeper! Most of the time he wakes up either around 2 or around 4 to eat. If he wakes up earlier he wants to nurse around 6:30 but if its later he will go till around 8. He sleeps the most in the morning hours, not really waking up for long stretches until around lunch time. One hard thing about him though is the he LOVES to nap in my arms, which I totally love but it makes is hard to get much done.
He still wears all of the same clothes, newborn and 0-3 months expect that he’s grow out of a couple newborn jammies
Milk from Mommy. He’s getting better at nursing, he only struggles when he’s really tired at night or in the morning.  
He is starting to cry a little bit more but I still can’t complain. He is a pretty dang good baby.
He is doing great at holding his head up, he loves to look around at everything. And there is no doubt that he is smiling, the cutest little smiles ever!! Another absolutely adorable milestone, he is starting to make those tiny little baby coos, he started around 3 weeks…melts my heart every time.
Products I'm loving
Still just the binkies and binkie clips. I wish I was loving a baby wrap!! They are pretty expensive so I bought some fabric to make my own but I can’t seem to get some alone time to do it.  
Fun Facts
As I said before he loves to be held, so something he has a hard time when I have to put him down. I mean mommy does still have to get things done, as much as I’d like to just hold him all day I can’t. I have found that the quickest way to comfort him is with touch, he just loves to know someone is there. He loves when I softly rub his face, and especially loves when I put my face next to his…calms him right down. He also loves escimo kisses from Mommy J

Monday, April 6, 2015

Jace 2 weeks

Jace Gabriel
2 Weeks
April 6th 2015
My pictures definitely aren't as good as my Mom's, just one of a million reasons why I miss her.
We just had his two weeks checkup today so I know exacts. He weighs 9 pounds 8 ounces (what Bro weighed at birth, just a fun fact) which is in the 75th percentile, he is 21 inches long also the 75th percentile and his head circumference is 14 1/16 inches which is the 50th percentile.  

This little boy couldn’t be doing better!! The only health problem he’s had so far was his circumcision. For the first week and a half it was bleeding and causing him a lot of pain during diaper changes, thankfully that is over.  

He is perfect, seriously! He still sleeps a ton during the day of course and is a great sleeper at night. The most times he’s woken up to eat at night is 3, and that’s a lot for him. Even with him being a great sleeper I find myself losing a lot of sleep though. With every little sound he makes I worry something is wrong and have to check on him. He also loves to sleep with us, or should I say we both love it. I’m afraid I might be setting myself up for trouble later. Oh and Kins always ends up in bed with us, 4 people in a queen beds gets a little squishy.
Still newborn, thank goodness…I don’t want him to grow! He can wear 0-3 months but they are big.  
Milk milk and more milk, and boy does he like to nurse. He’s not my best nurser though; sometimes he has a really hard time latching on. Night time is when he struggles the most; it can take a good 5 minutes for him to latch on.  
Once again he is a really good baby, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t cry but when he does its always for a reason and he can be quieted down pretty quickly.
He doesn’t have too many milestones yet. He is working really hard at raising his head up, especially when we hold him up on our shoulder. I am pretty sure that he recognizes us now, he focuses on our faces a lot more. And he has been giving the cutest smiles ever! Mostly in his sleep J
Products I'm loving
I’m totally loving the binky clips my Mom made!! She made a ton so it’s super easy to match them to his outfits. And of course I’m also loving the binkies on them.
Fun Facts
It is still so weird to think he is our smallest baby at 9 pounds 8 ounces (at 2 weeks), I never in a million years imagined myself having such big babies. I saw a picture on Instagram the other day of a 5 pound baby, it seriously scared me!! It looked like it could break with any wrong move!
I also still can’t get over how lucky we are, that he is here and he is ours. The amount of love you instantly feel for each new child is indescribable, unlike anything else. And the crazy part is that love just continues to grow with each new day you spend with them. I am literally by all means obsessed with this little man; I just can’t get enough of him! He is mommies little angel, I know it’s still too early to be sure but I really hope he stays that way. I sure could use any easy child!  

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Newborn Pictures

Newborn Pictures!!
March 26th, 2015
Can I just say I am SOO glad my Mom is here to take pictures of this little prince!! If it were up to me they wouldn't even be half as good.
My Mom and I have been obsessed with newborn pictures for months...looking up ideas, getting the right outfits and gathering/planning out all our props. I even finished redoing our bedroom so that the background would be perfect, yeah we're pretty obsessed.
Once again my Mom came through with some AMAZING pictures!!! I am so extremely lucky to have such a talented mother, I will cherish these sweet pictures for forever.
I got this sweet little hat and diaper cover set hand made and shipped to me all the way from Poland.
Precious little baby toes :)
I think I finally got my light haired baby.

This was my absolute favorite photo prop, I'm dying over how adorable this baby scale is. Oh and the cute baby on top of it doesn't hurt either :)

Day one of pictures, plenty more to come!

Friday, March 6, 2015

38 weeks

38 weeks
March 6th
How far along? 38 weeks and 1 day.

Total weight gain: 36 pounds.

Maternity clothes? During the week I live in sweat leggings and my maternity jeans if I’m going out. As for Sunday Maxi skirts are literally the only thing I wear anymore. It’s kind of crazy to me that even Ian’s shirts are getting to short on me! They still have lots of room everywhere, just getting short.

 Stretch marks? Pretty sure there’s a few new ones but I still can’t complain too much.

Sleep: Sleep is getting harder but it’s really the least of my complaints at this point. Ever since I started taking Zantac heartburn and acid reflex haven’t been too much of an issue. I am starting to have to use the restroom more often, 2 – 3 times a night so I have to get up for that. And I’m just plain uncomfortable, but believe it or not I still get a pretty good night’s rest most of the time.

Best moment this week? Today was the start of Spring break!!! YAY!

Miss anything? Same as last week, I just really miss being comfortable.  

Movement: Holy cow, this little boy as stepped up his game big time in the movement department…and I almost wish he hadn’t! Talk about discomfort and even pain!! He is always pushing on my pelvic area, and I swear his legs like to live in my ribs. His movement is completely visibly to anyone who pays attention to my stomach when he’s in action. I swear it’s the creepiest feeling ever at this point. It was fun when he was little but now it’s just plain uncomfortable.  

Food cravings: At this point, nothing really.

Food aversions: Nothing.

Boy or girl:Boy

Labor signs: I haven’t had anything that’s screamed real labor to me…obviously or else I would have had him by now haha. But there’s no doubt my body is gearing up for it. I have been having a ton of contractions, just nothing consistent enough. I have been having crazy sharp pains in my back but again nothing consistent enough. Sometimes I swear it feels like he’s going to fall right out of me!   
Symptoms: My most painful symptom is that weird burning on my right side I described in my last post, it is getting really bad. The strangest thing is I think it’s almost worse when I’m sitting down. Really I can’t even seem to truly be comfortable anymore. I mentioned earlier that my heartburn and acid reflex is a lot more manageable now thanks to Zantac, although I still have to take tums every now and then. My back kills me and my feet ache like crazy (I would have a husband who finds feet totally repulsive and has horrible eczema on his hands that doesn’t mix to well with messages). 

Belly Button in or out? Out 

Wedding ring on or off? Off.

Looking forward to: Getting lots done over spring break and finally feeling “ready” for this baby.

Fun facts: Well I had a doctor’s appointment today and learned the baby is head down, that’s good news. A somewhat weird fact, these doctors apparently don’t check to see how dilated/effaced I am, kind of nice not being violated every time I go to the doctor. We have less than two weeks until my due date…exciting and scary has heck all at the same time. My Mom and Brother are coming for sure when I have the baby, but my sister might come now to, crossing my fingers she does!! Oh and I haven’t even started packing my hospital bag, not going to lie this scares me a little especially every time I leave the house. I plan to pack it this week. I was in charge of mutual this week and will be teaching this Sunday then I’m responsibility free for a while…woo hoo!!! I have always thought it would be nice to deliver a little before my due date, nothing crazy early but every day of pain counts at this point. But with this one I DO NOT want to go early, my Mom isn’t getting here until the night of the 17th so I’m hoping and praying I don’t go into labor before then. I’m also hoping and praying I don’t go crazy over my due date, cant he just come right on time!?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Best Friends...well kind of...

Best Friends...well kind of...
March 2nd, 2015
I don't know if best friends is the right way to describe their relationship, they have more of a love hate thing going on. Kinsley is OBSESSED with her kitty, Sara on the other hand isn't too sure about a little girl who wants to carry her around everywhere. Sara scratches the heck out of poor Kinsley, making her cry for a minute then she's right back to loving the heck out of her. This morning was a good time for these two so I just had to snap some pictures.
Kisses :)

More kisses

Snuggling her baby, could they get any cuter!

I am so lucky to get to spend everyday with this cutie!! Love her so much!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

37 weeks

37 weeks
March 1st, 2015
How far along? 37 weeks and 4 days.

Total weight gain: 35 pounds.

Maternity clothes? I really only wear my maternity jeans, leggings, sweats or maxi skirts. No more non-maternity jeans for me, even with a belly band!! I have also started wearing Ian’s shirts around the house sometimes, this is the first pregnancy I’ve ever done this and I’m kind of loving it.

 Stretch marks? Pretty sure there’s a few new ones but I still can’t complain too much.

Sleep: Wither I sleep good or not really depends on the night. I have had a lot of really bad nights lately, but I still have some good ones. The main things that keep me awake are my acid reflex, heartburn and just plain discomfort. Oh and if Kinsley is in our bed (which happens more then I’d like to admit) I have an extremely hard time sleeping well. She wants to snuggle with me all night and it makes it really hard to turn over and get comfortable.   

Best moment this week? Saturday was pretty great! We woke up to more snow so we all went out had a snowball fight played around and built a snow man. We came in got warmed up with hot chocolate and made their entire room a blanket fort and we finished the night off with a game of go fish. The kids had a blast!!   
Miss anything? Being able to walk like a normal person…cross my own legs without having to lift them with my hands…shave my legs…put pants on without sitting down first…paint my toenails. I just really miss being comfortable.  

Movement: He is still a way calm baby but I can tell he is getting bigger and bigger because his movements are insane. Almost every time he moves you can see it from the outside, me whole stomach changes shape with his movements. It actually kind of freaks Ian out haha. He makes these cone type shapes out of my stomach all the time. I even have to admit that it gets a little creepy, especially when I can see an elbow coming out of my belly button…that’s the weirdest feeling/looking thing ever.  

Food cravings: Orange juice hasn’t been sitting to well with my acid reflex, but I have loved apple juice and 7up lately.

Food aversions: Nothing.

Boy or girl:Boy J

Labor signs: Not really. He feels like he’s going to kick or fall out of me sometimes and I’m getting Braxton hick contractions like CRAZY, also lots of cramping. But I can tell none of it has been the real deal yet. I have to admit that going into labor is constantly on my mind though, I think I’m going to go insane by the time my due date comes around.   
Symptoms: I think the right question is what symptom don’t I have. I can’t walk sit or lay down without being uncomfortable. I have acid reflex and heartburn like no other! I will seriously wake up coughing and chocking on whatever is coming up…ya it’s gross. My back and feet kill me. The top of my legs are soo incredibly sore. And to top it all off the burning feeling on the top right side of my stomach that I had with Kinsley is back. I only had it about the last 3 weeks with Kins but this time around if I go full term it will be 6 weeks. It is so horrible, It feels as if there is so much weight to hold that my muscles and skin are ripping apart, leaving me with this insanely painful burning sensation. Let’s just say I’m ready to get my body back.

Belly Button in or out? Out  

Wedding ring on or off? Off.

Looking forward to: Next week…spring break!!
Fun facts: I thought I was carrying this baby low before; well I’m pretty sure he’s dropped so he’s even lower! I sometimes wonder how he’s even staying inside of me. He kicks the crap out of my woman parts which doesn’t help either; there is always soooo much pressure I literally don’t know how he manages to stay inside of me. I know he can’t just pop out but it sure feels like he’s going to sometimes. Like I mentioned before my heartburn and acid reflex is insane this time around, I just started taking zantac so crossing my fingers it gets better.
We are getting closer to finalizing a name! Although knowing me that could change at any minute, I have a really hard time committing to a name. We are down to two but for the life of me I cannot just pick one. Ian is pretty much done and says I can pick whatever I want haha.  I am full blown going through the nesting stage right now, its quiet insane actually. I want to get so many things done yet don’t have the energy for even half of it. I want the house absolutely perfect when baby boy arrives which is completely crazy because he won’t have a clue what’s even going on haha.  
One last thing, this might be the first baby I go into labor naturally with. I say might because our Doctor is really against inducing but he said he would if I go a week late. This really freaks me out, the thought of possibly not being prepared when I go into labor freaks the crap out of me. It will be a whole new experience!

Friday, February 13, 2015

34 Weeks

 34 weeks
February 7th, 2015

I have been horrible at doing these "weekly updates"...more like monthly lately haha. I just feel so huge and hardly ever feel good enough to take a picture of myself. But I'm going to try and just suck it up and do a better job of documenting this last month. This was a picture from this weekend so I figured I would use, not my normal weekly picture but it works :)
How far along? 34 weeks and 2 days.

Total weight gain: 30 pounds.

Maternity clothes? While Kins and I were in Washington visiting my parents I bought some maternity clothes, specifically maternity pants…why I waited so long I don’t know because I’m in heaven now!!! Well actually I do know why, because I don’t live around any stores where I could buy them but I still should have made it happen!! This is the first time I have worn maternity pants and I think it’s because of how low I’m carrying him. I’m still able to wear quite a few of my non-maternity clothes as well but I’m so grateful for my new pants!

 Stretch marks? I’m pretty sure there are a couple new ones on my stomach but I’m really not worried about it at all. They fade to almost being gone when I’m done being preggers.

Sleep: I have absolutely no problem falling asleep, but I do wake up to switch sides and boy is that a challenge!

Best moment this week? We got new dressers!! Ian and I got much needed new ones, literally half of Ian’s drawers didn’t even work but more importantly we got one for the baby. I had a major melt down about not being ready for this baby and having nowhere to put his clothes so Ian came to the rescue and made me feel much better about being so close to our due date.  

Miss anything? Washington and my family!! We had so much fun on our visit; It was really hard to leave.

Movement: He is such a calm baby, while inside of me at least. He moves around at certain times of the day but even then it’s hardly ever a full on kick it’s more him just flipping around or whatever babies do haha. He gets the hiccups almost every night which makes it a little hard to sleep but I can’t complain too much.

Food cravings: My Orange juice craving has come back around, other than that there’s really not that much.

Food aversions: Nothing.

Boy or girl:Boy J

Labor signs: No, But I have started getting Braxton hicks.
Symptoms: Strangely my fatigue problems have gotten a little bit better. I don’t want to sleep ALL of the time anymore, but I do get really tired physically if I do too much. My back hurts soooo much at night and even worse in the morning when I wake up…in fact my whole body aches so badly in the morning, which seems odd to me. My legs get so sore throughout the day, especially up at the top, by then end of the night sometimes I literally have to lift my leg up with my hands so move it a certain way. Let’s just say my body is worn out!!! My heart burn is getting worse but there’s no consistency as to what causes it. Acid reflex is in full blown as well…it’s the worst and grossest thing ever!  

Belly Button in or out? It’s pretty much out now.  

Wedding ring on or off? Off.

Looking forward to: Spending some time with my boys!! We’ve been gone for two weeks so I’ve missed them.

Fun facts: I am carrying this baby so ridiculously low, it feels like he’s going to fall out of me sometimes! I carried Kinsley pretty high and honestly I can’t remember how I carried Brody, but I’m pretty sure this is as low as I’ve ever carried, which factors into why I’m having to wear maternity pants this time around. I hate to admit it but I’m having a really hard time getting around anymore, I grab onto things to support myself often and I have a hard time getting up from a sitting position. Out of the blue the other day Ian told me “Hun, you’re no longer walker, you’re waddling”…thanks hun! Overall I am just extremely uncomfortable. Ok I just realized that none of those were really fun facts, so I’ll throw some actual fun ones in J
While I was in Washington One of my friends gave me a TON of adorable baby clothes, and I was able to get some of Brody’s too…I cannot say how excited I am about all of this! I was getting really nervous about not being ready for the baby so this helped ease my nerves. We also bought a dresser this weekend for Kinsley and the baby to share as well as a cube organizer for the kids little toys. Having two children in one room is hard enough to figure out; three was stressing me out so getting this furniture was such a relief!! I am still not feeling completely ready for the baby to come but I’m definitely feeling better.  
