Tuesday, December 4, 2012

37 weeks

37 weeks


December 4th, 2012


How far along? 37 weeks and 4 day.

Total weight gain: 29 pounds. I have had a loose of appetite lately and as a result I lost 2 pounds.

Maternity clothes? Same story as always, I won’t be buying any since I’m so close to being done either.

Stretch marks? No new ones thank goodness!

Sleep: I don’t even know what a full night’s rest is anymore. It is almost impossible to find a comfortable position and even after I have found one it only stays comfortable for so long. It is getting harder and harder to move around too. For some weird reason I get so incredibly sore and achy at night (especially down there), which is what makes it so hard to move around. Getting up to use the restroom is a complete nightmare! It is painful just to get out of bed. And I always seem to be so incredibly hot, even with no covers on.  So pretty much nights are miserable to say the least.

Best moment this week? We had some pretty fun things this week. Saturday we went to our friend’s house and had steak for dinner (Ian was in heaven since we can’t afford our own). They have a projector so we grabbed some blankets popcorn and hot chocolate and all watched a Christmas movie outside, it was a lot of fun! Sunday I got maternity pictures taken and I of course made Ian and Brody be in some :). My friend who took our wedding pictures asked if she could take them as a gift for me, I of course said yes! It was a lot of fun and I think we got some really good pictures out of them. We had been planning to take them for a while but our schedules never matched up and I have been feeling so enormous lately that I almost didn’t want to take them. But I realized who cares how big I feel and that I would regret not taking them so we did it and I’m so glad we did!! The weather was perfect and the fall leaves were absolutely beautiful, weird being that its winter but it feels like fall here. Also yesterday for family home evening we went to the temple to look at the lights and nativity scene. Brody of course thought it was the coolest thing ever. It was the first time either one of us has ever personally seen a temple with the Christmas lights.


Miss anything? I of course miss being comfortable, that’s a given. And I miss  sleeping all through the night, other then those two nothing is really sticking out to me.


Movement: Yes, the movement feels different now though probably because there isn’t as much room in there. It’s more like lots of pressure, especially on my pelvic bone, than full out flips or anything crazy like that. She also sticks her little arms and legs out quiet a bit, especially on my left side. She loves my left side! I swear half her body is constantly trying to poke out my left side. Movement has slowed down from normal though, just lots of pressure and odd shapes pocking out that lets me know when she’s moving.

Food cravings: Still those dang orange Julius’s, I could drink one every night I swear. Anything peppermint has sounded really good to me lately too, not sure if it’s just because of the Christmas season or if it’s a pregnancy craving. And of course pop is still one as well.


Food aversions: Nothing that’s too bad, ground beef still just slightly iffy. I made taco soup last night with ground beef and eat some; I left it in large chunks on purpose though so I could pick mine out and pass it over to Ian.


Boy or girl: Girl :)


Labor signs: A decent amount of contractions have been happening. Yesterday was pretty bad as far as contractions go, they were happening pretty much all day and more painful then usual. Still no true signs of labor though. At our doctors appointment today I was dilated to a 2 ½ and 80% thinned. I also lost even more of my mucus plug yesterday.  


Symptoms: Only a few things have changed, the normal ones are still acid reflex, complete lack of energy, high body temperature, back and feet aches, belly button hurting, my insane sense of smell and my incredibly painful nerve on my right side. Some new symptoms are feeling incredibly sore down there, so not comfortable! Also my whole body just aches, I seriously feel like an old person! Just walking can be quiet the chore sometimes. Oh and I guess I should mention the return of my emotions and irritation. I have been so sensitive lately and so blunt at the same time. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ian said I’m not the easiest person to live with. I have been not as nice lately; everything seems to get on my nerves and I’m definitely not afraid to speak up for myself lately. I can tell I’m just done and my discomforts and irritations seem to take over at times.

Belly Button in or out? Out, like showing threw my shirt, insanely out.


Wedding ring on or off? Off. I managed to shove it back on for my maternity pictures. It was feeling pretty tight afterwards and I almost had a panic attack trying to get it off!


Looking forward to: Seeing the rest of my maternity pictures! I can’t wait to see them; the couple I have seen already are great. She always does such a great job. Also of course anxious for when the baby is going to come. How can you not be anxious the last couple weeks though, I mean really.

Fun facts: Brody is going to be the best, sweetest big brother ever! He is already so excited and so cute about it. He will randomly run up to me and give my belly a kiss and talk to the baby. He always asks me when the baby is coming and the other day he told me that he wanted her to come right now! I can’t wait for him to meet her. A random side fun fact about Brody, he has been going to the curiosity club every Tuesday. I bring him and drop him off, which I was a little nervous about at first, but he has a blast!! Another fun fact, last Thursday I noticed that I have dropped. The baby is definitely lower then normal, I felt like I was carrying her pretty high before. As I have mention before my body temperature is incredibly high, especially when I sleep for some weird reason. Well this morning before Ian went to school he was feeling my stomach and he was shocked at how hot it was. I also noticed that the sheets are always way warmer then normal after my belly has been laying on them. A few days ago Ian said he cant wait till my sense of smell goes back to normal, haha I guess hes tired of me noticing ever bad smell that no one else does. And one more, we had our weekly doctors appointment today, like I said earlier I’m dilated to a 2 ½ and 80% thinned. The doctor said they usually don’t strip the membranes till 38 weeks but since I’m so close and I’m already dilated he asked if I wanted it. I was nervous but ended up doing it; it really wasn’t that painful at all. I feel more cramps since I’ve had it but hey if it speeds up labor I’m all for it. He also said he wouldn’t be surprised if I went a week or two early (I hope he’s right!). So I guess I lied, I do have a couple more. We decided (at least for the time being) not to be induced early, but if I don’t have her by my due date I will get induced on the 21st. We don’t want to curse our poor daughter with a Christmas birthday, or anything closer to it then the 21st. Also I have yet to pack my hospital bag. I have hers all packed and ready to go but haven't even started mine. I think about it a lot but for some reason cant seem to make myself pack it! So if she comes on her own hopefully I'm not caught frantically throwing things into a bag.

I was dressed up more today since we had things to do but before I realized I needed to take a picture I was already in my comfy clothes...so you get the comfy version of me :)

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