More T-Ball
April 23rd, 2013
I used to just like going to these games because it gave us something to do, but after tonight's game I've come to the conclusion that T-Ball is hilarious!! These kids have finally all warmed up to each other and are having a blast! Brody did awesome tonight too! He jumped right in without any bribes from me and enjoyed it the whole time.
They let all the kids bat once each inning and no one gets out, so they all get to make it home. Here's Brody scoring, not that we keep score or anything haha.
Being silly waiting for his turn to bat. He told me on the way to the game that his favorite part was when you get to hit the ball. He also told me that he needed to "bring the heat", lol I'm guessing his coach or someone said this.
Taking off!!
The funniest part is when they are in the field, us parents seriously laugh almost the whole time. This picture captures is all...Brody on top of the dog pile for the ball, the coach in the right of the picture telling them not to fight over it, the kids in the back messing around totally oblivious to anything that is going on, the kid on the right skipping, oh and the boy on the left with the ball! Haha the 3, including Bro, in the dog pile prob have no clue another kid already has the ball!! Too funny!
Brody attempting to get the ball, see the legs, one on the ground one in the air...ya that's him.
I swear its like a mass stamped everything the ball is hit, everyone wants to get it! Love that smile on Brody's face :) So glad hes enjoying it.