Sunday, April 21, 2013

4 Months

Four Months
April 21st, 2013
Like always I just had to take pictures of Miss Kinsley at her 4 month mark. We went on a walk to the lake and by the time we got back it was getting dark, so the lighting totally stunk. But I made it work and got some cute pictures of this little princess :)
14 pounds 3 ounces, so happy she is continuing to pack on the pounds. Although she is only 53% for weight so she never has gotten back up to her huge percentile she started out with. As for height she is 25 ½ inches which is 84% and her head circumference is 42.1 cm (89%).

Her health is good. This month was a lot better then last, no sicknesses that I can remember. She does seem to always wake up with a stuffy nose so I have to use saline drops on her a lot. Her nose and eyes get red and she rubs them a lot. I asked her doctor if that could mean allergies and she said we can’t really tell yet, to just continue giving her the drops as needed.
She loves examining everything she can get a hold of...including her own hands :p


This child is so unpredictable as far as nights go. The beginning of the month started out with her sleeping soundly through the night. We hit a very rough spot in the middle where I swear she woke up ever 1 to 2 hours to eat. I finally refused to feed her until at least 5am which saved us and we ended the month with 1 to 2 feedings during the night. I’m still working on getting ride of the 3am feeding. And I hate to admit it but after her 5 or 6 am feeding she almost always stays in our bed (mostly because I’m too lazy to move her back). She still sleeps in crazy late, waking anywhere from 11-12 (occasionally earlier). Also I’ve noticed her naps becoming a lot more consistent. Her one nap we have down pretty well is around 2 for a couple hours.

She mostly wears 3-6 months clothes but can easily fit into most 6 months with only a few being too big. She ended the month with all her jammies being size 6 months, which fit her perfectly with little to no growing room. Its fun to finally on certain occasions be able to wear spring type clothes (the weather is so funky here).
Milk as always. She doesn’t mess around when it comes to eating either. This girl is in and out when she eats, usually only taking 5 minutes. Unless she is tired in that case she tends to drag it on a bit longer.

This girl sure knows how to cry, there is no denying that. Sometimes she can handle it but most of the time she does not like to be put down. I hold her way too much just to make her happy, I’m a sucker with the kids! She is stubborn as heck too, If she wants to be held she will cry until she gets her way.
She has had some fun milestones! One of the most fun is her laugh :) She has only full on laughed a few times but she does have little short laughs quiet often. She first started to laugh when she heard us, it’s like its contagious. Then she started to laugh when we tickle her stomach, it’s the cutest thing ever! She also smiles a lot which is equally as adorable. She is recognizing us a lot more and reacting with smiles and happiness when she see’s us. She is holding her head up like a pro now, in fact when I try to hold her head down to snuggle up to me she wont have it! She rolls over from her stomach to her back and is starting to try to roll from her back to stomach but hasn’t made it yet. She is able to put support on her legs for a lot longer now then she did before. She has officially found her hands and loves to check them out and chew on them. I have noticed her looking at her feet but hasn’t gotten a hold of them yet. She is also great at grasping things and continuing to hold onto them for a long period of time. She puts anything and everything she gets a hold of into her month! She can now see an object that she wants and reach for it.

Products I'm loving.
We totally love the Bumbo seat! Especially at dinner, she sits on the table in it and just loves being up with us. I think she enjoys it so much because she is sitting up and able to look around at everything. Kinsley loves using her legs, so about midway through the month we bought her a jenny jumper and she loves it! She hasn’t quiet used it to jump a lot but she loves hanging out in it. I’m also lovin her teething rings. This girl loves to put things in her mouth; she especially loves chewing on our fingers so we bought her some rings instead and she’s starting to enjoy them. I bought her some leggings from old navy when we were in St George last and she wears them constantly. They are so comfy yet still so fashionable!! HeHe. Last, I’m lovin our baby front carrier thing. It’s not close by and I can’t remember the name…you know those back pack things you carry them in. She gets heavy to carry around so this is a life saver when we want to go for a mini walk outside or on a trail where the stroller can’t go.

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