Monday, April 21, 2014

Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt
April 21st, 2014
We were gone in St George for Easter, so we decided to wait till we got home to do our egg dying and hunt. Brody was so excited, he could hardly wait till Dad got home to start!
Kinsley is such a little drama queen, we have our hands full with this girl that's for sure. She was so mad she had to wait till the dye dissolved to put the eggs in. Then she was mad because Ian couldn't get them fast enough for her, then she was mad because all the dye was full and had to wait to put more eggs in, then she was mad because she had to share some with Brody....yea, like I said we have our hands full!!
She's lucky she's so dang cute!


Bro Bro had so much fun! He said the egg dying is one of his favorite parts of Easter.

This look Kins does always makes me laugh.

 This picture sums up how everyone usually feels about me taking pictures. Ian's look of do we really have to take another one, Kins crying pretty much speaks for itself, and Bro has gotten so used to taking pictures he goes into cheesy mood every time.

My parents bought candy for an early egg hunt while they were here but we ended up running out of time, so between that and what we bought the kids got totally spoiled this year. This candy couldn't fit in eggs so I just trailed it down the hall, as soon as we let them out of the room they both immediately started picking up candy. For as little as Kin's is she sure held her own!!

Brody was faster then Kinsley, so we made him leave her a couple candy's in the hall. I think he would have pushed her over for it if we would have let him haha!

Brody's basket filled up pretty dang fast, I believe we had to empty it our 3 times before he was done. When Kinsley's got to full for her I emptied it in a bag, she did NOT like that, I think she thought I was taking it away!

Kinsley's cute hello kitty eggs!

And Brody got some super fun Ninja turtle eggs.

Daddy was so nice and helped Kins the whole time, she sure is lucky to have such a great Dad. 

She did not want to smile!

Brody adores his little sister :) After we were all done Kinsley was upset that there weren't any more eggs. Brody was so nice that he rehide some of his eggs for her, what a good big brother!

Finding a few extras that got overlooked.

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