Sunday, June 22, 2014

18 Months

18 Months
June 21st, 2014
Kinsley turned One and a half today!!! WOHOO! I haven't done a post on her in a while so I figured what better time then now.
She hasn’t been to the doctor recently, but when we put her on the scale we have at home she has been around 20 pounds. I’m not sure of the height. I need to get her in for her well checkup so I’ll be finding all this out soon.
I would say her health has definitely improved. She had a fever earlier this month but other than that she hasn’t been sick at all. She hasn’t passed out in a while, which also means no more seizure like episodes…thank goodness! This little girl sure was scaring us for a while.

Sleep is still so on and off with this little one. She has never been our good sleeper, once in a while we will go through a good sleeping streak but it never stays that way for long. She had a couple weeks this month where she slept in out bed. She always ends up with us in the morning which I am fine with, I get my snuggles in…sometimes! She is so funny, in the morning she’s either pushing me off the bed trying to get as close to me as she can, or kicking us away wanting nothing to do with touching anyone (which makes it a little hard to fit 3 people in a queen bed)
Miss Kins is still on the petite side, she mostly wears 12 months and some 12-18 months. She’s catching up to being right on track though.
Her diet has never been a strong point, we have really struggled with trying to get her to like eating. It has improved but she still mostly fights eating dinner. She is a big snacker though, that’s for sure, which I’m beginning to think might have something to do with her not wanting to eat dinner. Some of her favorite snacks are, string cheese, yogurt (gogurt right now), crackers, fruit snacks, grahm crackers and diped in milk. She is also starting to like some types of fruit like grapes, apples and raspberries. She is a lover of breakfast foods, cereal being one of her most favorite thing to eat! She’s so cute and will even pick up the bowl and drink the milk afterwards. She also loves eggs and french toast. We know she wants french toast when she gets the syrup out the of pantry and brings it to us!
She can whine and cry like any other baby, but for the most part I would say she is pretty good. Although she already has moodiness going on, heaven help us when she’s older!!
I have been so horrible at doing these monthly posts. I didn’t plan on doing them every month after she turned one, but more often than this. She is full on walking now, running too! She has practically a full mouth of teeth, I haven’t counted but there’s a lot in there. She is still being such a stinker with talking though, she only has one word down really well and that’s Mama. She will occasionally say Dada, but it’s not a regular word by any means. Once in a while we think we hear her say something, but maybe that’s just us wanting to hear it. I swear she’s not talking on purpose, just to be a stinker. She is a smart little girl though and understands the vast majority of things we say to her. If you tell her to go get her shoes she will gladly bring them to you. You can give her something and tell her to throw it away and she will, there really is a lot she understands it just the talking we have to work on. She uses a cup just like the rest of us now, although sometimes I give her a sippy cup If I get sick of too many spills. She also can feed herself with a spoon/fork pretty well. She doesn’t use the binky nearly as often as she used to, sometimes we forget to take it away but for the most part she only uses it for naps and night time. I know this one is a little crazy, but she is really close to being done nursing!! For a while now I have only been nursing her in the morning, that seems to be both of our times of desperation, she wakes up but is still sleepy and wants to nurse back to sleep which makes both of us happy. So I always end up giving in and nursing her. I’m also having a hard time drying up; I’ve gone a couple days without nursing and there’s still milk! I didn’t this morning though so maybe I can get her to stop. People always say that it’s the moms who hold on more than the babies, so not the case here…Kinsley will try and rip my shirt off just to get to it! Wish me luck on weaning her!  
Products I'm loving
In May while we were in Phoenix with my parents I bought a Petunia Pickle Bottom boxy backpack off craigslist, it was super cheap because it has a broken zipper. I wish it didn’t have that dang broken zipper, but other than that I love it.
Fun Facts
I just know I’m going to forget something! To start off, she is finally growing some more hair!! It’s not super long but at least it’s growing. It’s also crazy curly in the back, like ringlet curly its super cute but can get crazy frizzy too! She absolutely loves taking baths, as soon as I tell her its bath time she tries to take her clothes off. She also loves being outside, her and Brody could live out there all day long!! Summer time is the best, now if only we could get some dang grass for them :/ She is such a good little helper, whenever I'm out weeding the garden she always helps! She also loves to help in the kitchen with whatever I'm cooking. She also really likes going over to Uncle Tyrell’s house and playing with the kids, she hates being left out. Whenever anyone leaves or she knows someone is leaving she grabs her shoes and wants to go with them, she loves being on the go. This crazy girl loves “talking” on the phone, which I find ironic because she wants actually talk haha. She grabs it from me, puts it on her ear and just smiles away. She also loves “playing” on the computer just like her big brother…I will find her on the couch with my computer pulled onto her lap, cutest thing ever. She has never really been a big fan of watching TV but has recently started bringing the remote control to us wanting to watch it; maybe we need to take a break from electronics! She still loves all the dang stray dogs around here. She stands at the back dog and gets so excited when she sees them. She is also beginning to love cats, especially Boaz’s cute little kitten! Waving hi and goodbye are becoming normal to her, as well as shaking her head yes and no to answer us. She is so fun!! We love this little girl!

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