Wednesday, October 8, 2014

17 weeks

17 weeks
October 8th, 2014
 I had so much fun doing these weekly updates with my last pregnancy, I am beyond excited to start them again! I planned on doing them sooner but that didn’t really happen. Since I didn’t start them sooner I will do a little backtracking.
 Ian and I decided it was time to add another little bundle of joy to our family, so I got my IDU removed. I took 2 pregnancy tests that turned out negative (I was a little eager), and finally while on vacation in St George either on July 4th or right after, I can’t remember exactly, a test came out positive!!! YAY!!! We were both so excited; it’s funny because it still didn’t seem real though…like it hadn’t fully sunk in. I believe I was around 4 weeks along at that point. We came home from vacation and went about our daily lives as normal.
I believe it was a Monday; we were all relaxing at home. I was on the couch and suddenly got these horrific cramps, the kind where you can’t even move without being in extreme pain. This of course scared the crap out of me, being pregnant and all. I laid there for about an hour before I felt something wet on my underwear, ever pregnant women’s nightmare…it was blood and lots of it. My mind instantly raced to a miscarriage. I knew women could spot during pregnancy and have it still be normal, but this was a lot more than just spotting. It was too late to go to the doctor that day and being realistic if I had a miscarriage there was nothing they could do anyways. We eventually went into the doctor on Wednesday July 23rd (we didn’t have maternity insurance at the time but I finally talked myself into going in) for an ultrasound. At this point I was 6 weeks and I day. I was soo anxious to find out if the baby was ok, hoping and praying it was. That was definitely one of the hardest things I’ve had to go through, knowing that we may have to face the fact that our baby was no longer alive. The picture came on the screen and all I could see was this funky little dot with a ring by it. I’ve heard people describe the first ultrasound as the baby looking like a little peanut or a jelly bean, it wasn’t even that big it was just a dot. A dot that was sitting on the bottom, my stomach sank. I thought to myself, why would it be sitting on the bottom if it was ok, wouldn’t it be floating around? Eventually after what seemed like 15 minutes I couldn’t take it any longer and asked the ultrasound tech if our baby was ok, he said yes. The sweetest words we could have heard, YES. THANK GOODNESS. Now please explain to me why I have all this bleeding, because at the point it hadn’t stopped. He told us that there really is no explanation, that some women just bleed during their pregnancy. And although bleeding during pregnancy is never necessarily a good sign, it doesn’t always mean the worst either. Great, I was SOO relieved that our baby was ok but you’ve got to be kidding me. You’re telling me I have to deal with all the side effects that come along with pregnancy plus bleeding. He also said it looked like there was a lot of blood around the sack so I would most likely continue to bleed for a while and of course cramping always goes along with bleeding. Don’t get me wrong, I was so extremely grateful I didn’t miscarry, but I was not excited about the rest. Plus we weren’t completely in the clear as far as miscarrying goes, so my worries were still very much there.
 My bleeding was off and on for the next couple weeks; we even went to Hawaii while all this was happening and told my parents the big news! After we got back I had another incident of extreme cramping and heavy bleeding only this was much worse. All I could do was curl up in a ball on the ground and cry because of the pain. So we went in to get another ultrasound, this time I was 8 weeks and 5 days. Thankfully the baby was again ok, and this time much bigger!! It was shocking how much it changed just in that short amount of time. It actually had what looked like a baby’s body, with a head, arms and legs. It looked goofy but you could tell it was a baby; it was so fun to see! And again such relief to hear the heart beat and see its little arms moving around. The doctor asked me to quit exercising and to take it as easy as possible to try and avoid any other scares. We scheduled our first regular appointment a month from then.
My bleeding had continued this whole time, It would go away for sometimes 2-3 days then come back heavy at first then turn to spotting. Even though I knew it didn’t automatically mean miscarriage it still scared the heck out of me every time. We went in for our appointment November 3rd, again I was so excited to hear our baby and know it was ok. The unknown was the worst throughout this whole experience. Our doctor couldn’t find the heartbeat so he took us in to get an ultrasound, I was scared but excited to see the baby too. Right away he said the baby was ok, it was again waving its cute little arms around, being as sweet as can be. This appointment put our baby at 12 weeks and 2 days, and as far as the doctor could tell as healthy as could be.
 My bleeding has since stopped, I would say at around 14 weeks. I have to admit it’s nice to experience a normal pregnancy without those worries!! Along with the bleeding my main symptom thus far has been fatigue. I have been EXHAUSTED. There were days where I couldn’t even lift my arm without feeling like I was lifting 100 pounds. I was also experiencing nausea but without any actually throwing up. So nice!!! I was sick 4 and 5 months straight with Brody and Kinsley, so it was nice to get a break from that. The nausea has basically gone away now so all I’m left with now is being low on energy. I know it’s not 100% true, but I like to think of this baby as our miracle baby J Ian teases that hopefully it’s not as much trouble to us when it’s out of me. We love our little baby so much already; I think these scares have made it even more precious to us, that it’s still here J
 How far along? I will be 17 weeks tomorrow, but it’s close enough that I’m calling this my 17 week update.   
 Total weight gain: 9 pounds.
Maternity clothes? I just barely busted out the belly band for a few pairs of pants. Some still button but not all. I have worn a few maternity shirts but mostly because their just cute!
 Stretch marks? No new ones.
 Sleep: My sleep hasn’t really been affected yet, other than the fact that I get SUPER tired at night and way earlier then before I was preggers.  
 Best moment this week? This was technically last week, but we had Brody’s 6th Birthday party on Saturday the 4th. We had some of his friends over from church and school and had a blast at his spider-man party!
 Miss anything? I have too admit that I do miss the slimmer version of myself…it’s much easier to dress! I also REALLY miss my energy.  
 Movement: Not yet.  
 Food cravings: So far I have craved tomatoes and baby ruth candy bars. Thank goodness my garden is full of delicious tomatoes, I slice them up and spread some mayo on them…it doesn’t get much better than that! I’ve also loved the tomato basil soup from Safeway. I’ve also really been loving pears.
 Food aversions: I have been pretty lucky this time around and not too many things gross me out. When I was pregnant with Kinsley I couldn’t even think about ground beef let alone eat it, this time I don’t care for it too much either but not quite as bad as before.
 Boy or girl: We haven’t found out yet.  
 Labor signs: No 
Symptoms: My second trimester has been a lot better for me, thank goodness! I still get really tired at times, but it’s no longer a constant thing. I have started getting back pain and I can’t ever seem to drink enough water. I am always SO thirsty.
Belly Button in or out? In.  
 Wedding ring on or off? I haven’t been able to wear my ring for a while. Ever since we moved to Arizona it gives me a rash, maybe something to do with the elevation?? I really have no idea why. But I’m pretty sure it still fits if I could wear it.  
Looking forward to: My doctor’s appointment this Friday. I am hoping we get to find out what we are having, wishful thinking I’m sure but I can hope! And just the weekend, it’s really the only time we get to have Ian around for more than a couple hours at a time (before we go to bed that is)! And one more thing, having another baby!!! Sometimes the idea of having 3 kids scares me, especially with how demanding Kinsley is. But most of the time I’m just plain excited! Our kids bring so much joy into our lives, the amount of love I have for them is unexplainable. I cannot wait to add to that love and joy!
 Fun facts: I have finally been in the clear as far as bleeding goes that has definitely been a great thing. The other day I asked Bro if he wants this baby to be a boy or a girl, he said BOY. Kinsley wants a girl; I guess one of them will be happy! Kinsley has gotten really cute with the baby, she will walk up to me and say “Baby” sometimes she points at my breasts though haha I think she’s a little confused as to where the baby is. She waves and says hi and sometimes even Kisses my tummy, so cute! This one isn't necessarily a fun fact but just a fact, I have started to show a lot sooner with this pregnancy then my last two. I guess its true the more you have the sooner you show.

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