6 Month Shots
June 24th, 2013
Oh the beloved shots appointments!! How we all love these. Kinsley actually didn't do too bad, the oral shot that she got totally grossed her out, she had a sour mouth the whole time and kept trying to push the nurses hand away. The first two shots didn't even make her flinch but the last couple she cried for, the nurse said they are the ones that always hurt the most though. Doctor was happy with her growth and development. She's good to go on food now, which we started a little while ago and can eat cheerios within the next month. She should be sitting up better within the next month and crawling by her next appointment in a few months. Wow, can I please slow time down!! How did this happen so quickly! Doctor gave us the go ahead to let Kinsley cry herself to/back to sleep at night, as she put it crying never killed a baby. It was so refreshing hearing this since so many people seem to be against it, so our little girl is in for a treat tonight :)
June 24th, 2013
Oh the beloved shots appointments!! How we all love these. Kinsley actually didn't do too bad, the oral shot that she got totally grossed her out, she had a sour mouth the whole time and kept trying to push the nurses hand away. The first two shots didn't even make her flinch but the last couple she cried for, the nurse said they are the ones that always hurt the most though. Doctor was happy with her growth and development. She's good to go on food now, which we started a little while ago and can eat cheerios within the next month. She should be sitting up better within the next month and crawling by her next appointment in a few months. Wow, can I please slow time down!! How did this happen so quickly! Doctor gave us the go ahead to let Kinsley cry herself to/back to sleep at night, as she put it crying never killed a baby. It was so refreshing hearing this since so many people seem to be against it, so our little girl is in for a treat tonight :)
Kinsley's stats
6 months and 3 days
weight = 15 pounds 13 ounces (44%)
height =27 inches (89%)
Head circumference = 43.6 cm (86%)
totaly weight gain since birth = 5 pounds
totaly weight gain since birth = 5 pounds
Just for fun, another comparison...
Brody's stats
6 months and 20 days
Weight = 21 pounds (90%)
Length = 28 inches (I have 80% written down, but comparing to Kinsley's I'm assuming I meant 90%)
Head circumference = 44.5 cm
Total weight gain since birth = 11 1/2 pounds
Brody totally dominates with his weight!!
Kinsley loves her little doll, she especially likes chewing on it :)
Mom, no more pictures with my pants off please...it's embarrassing. :P
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