6 Months
June 21st, 2013
Not sure, she has her appointment on the 24th so we will find
out soon.
Her health is great! She hasn’t been sick all month, which is awesome for her! Couldn’t ask for a healthier baby J
Her health is great! She hasn’t been sick all month, which is awesome for her! Couldn’t ask for a healthier baby J
Sleep really hasn’t changed too much, which isn’t a good thing. She is still sleeping in Brody’s room and still wakes up multiple times at night. She also won’t go to bed until really late, which is ok in a way since Ian and I are up anyways usually watching TV but at the same time it would be nice if she had a decent bed time. One good thing that has stuck is she is totally awesome at sleeping in! She is the perfect child for me as for as mornings go! She can wake up anywhere from 10-12, depending on the noise level and she also sleeps better if someone is laying next to her. She ALWAYS ends up in our bed in the morning though, she wakes up for her morning feeding and I feed her in our bed while we both fall back asleep…perfect for both of us!! If we stay on schedule she takes 2 naps a day, lasting anywhere from an hour to 2 ½ hours each.
Sleep really hasn’t changed too much, which isn’t a good thing. She is still sleeping in Brody’s room and still wakes up multiple times at night. She also won’t go to bed until really late, which is ok in a way since Ian and I are up anyways usually watching TV but at the same time it would be nice if she had a decent bed time. One good thing that has stuck is she is totally awesome at sleeping in! She is the perfect child for me as for as mornings go! She can wake up anywhere from 10-12, depending on the noise level and she also sleeps better if someone is laying next to her. She ALWAYS ends up in our bed in the morning though, she wakes up for her morning feeding and I feed her in our bed while we both fall back asleep…perfect for both of us!! If we stay on schedule she takes 2 naps a day, lasting anywhere from an hour to 2 ½ hours each.
She hasn’t changed too much other then she fits into more 6 month clothes now. She wears mostly 3/6 and 6 month clothes.
She hasn’t changed too much other then she fits into more 6 month clothes now. She wears mostly 3/6 and 6 month clothes.
As always lots of mommy’s milk. I know I said we were going to wait till 6 months so start any kind of food but a couple weeks ago we tired rice and oatmeal with her. She wasn’t sleeping well at all and out of desperation I thought I would give it a shot. She likes both of them fine but prefers the oatmeal, I also tired them and that is the better of the two. It of course made no change in her sleeping habits L. I haven’t been consistently feeding it to her everyday though so really it’s mostly just my milk she eats.
As always lots of mommy’s milk. I know I said we were going to wait till 6 months so start any kind of food but a couple weeks ago we tired rice and oatmeal with her. She wasn’t sleeping well at all and out of desperation I thought I would give it a shot. She likes both of them fine but prefers the oatmeal, I also tired them and that is the better of the two. It of course made no change in her sleeping habits L. I haven’t been consistently feeding it to her everyday though so really it’s mostly just my milk she eats.
Crying really hasn’t changed all that much. She can be such an awesome baby but can turn into such a hard baby so quickly. Overall I still think she’s a pretty dang good baby, just when she’s mad she is MAD and she’s not afraid to let you know it! She’s getting better at crying herself to sleep for naps/bed time but still doesn’t do well with entertaining herself, most of the time she cries after a few minutes of being left to play by herself.
Crying really hasn’t changed all that much. She can be such an awesome baby but can turn into such a hard baby so quickly. Overall I still think she’s a pretty dang good baby, just when she’s mad she is MAD and she’s not afraid to let you know it! She’s getting better at crying herself to sleep for naps/bed time but still doesn’t do well with entertaining herself, most of the time she cries after a few minutes of being left to play by herself.
This little girl has rolling down to a T!! She rolls all over the place.
If I put her down she is never in the same spot when I pick her up, and she
LOVES to move around. She also is getting pretty good at sitting up, she
doesn’t do it for a long time but she can support herself. I think part of this
is due to her not wanting to stay in one spot, she just wants to roll
everywhere. She’s also a pro at putting her own binky in her mouth now, all I
have to do is hand it to her and she does it herself.
Products I'm loving
I still don’t have a huge amount of products I like. I do love baby
sunscreen though; you know the foamish stuff that comes in that pink can. She
has porcelain skin so I always worry about her when we go outside, especially
since its getting hot. I’m also loving her cute little sun hat from target. I’m
loving Brody’s toys more and more these days as well! I swear she likes Brody’s
toys more then her own, he has this bright orange rubber skeleton that she
especially loves! She will sit there and chew on the head and be happy as can
be, same with a rubber snake he has.
Fun Facts
She absolutely loves being on her stomach, rarely will you
find her on her back. Anything and everything she can get a hold of goes into
her mouth (like all babies), and boy does she like to chew on fingers! We have
also found her ticklish spots…so fun J She is the most ticklish on her inner thighs and under her
ribcages, and let me tell you she has the most adorable giggles in the whole
world, enough to melt this Mommy’s heart. Her personality is coming out more
and more every day, she is one stubborn girl too…she knows what she wants and
when she wants it. She knows her family and who she is comfortable with and is
without a doubt a mama’s girl. It actually really hurts Ian’s feelings how much
of a mamas girl she is, I try to explain that I am the one feeding her and
taking care of her all day while he is at work so its only natural for her to
prefer me. I’m sure as soon as she’s old enough to realize how totally awesome
daddy is she will love being with him as well!
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