Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Big Girls Job

Baby Girls Job
May 20th, 2014
Kins loves to help, she is definitely mommies little helper. She also thinks she is a lot older and bigger then she really is so sometimes her helping ends up causing more work then we both bargained for. I try to find her jobs that are a little more manageable for someone her size, sometimes it doesn't work and other times it ends up great!  
She has had an obsession with my tomato plants since we first bought them. It is so flipping windy and cold here that we have to baby the heck out of them and plant them indoors for a month or two so their roots get big/strong enough to withstand this weather. Kinsley is in heaven with this. Every day before we take them outside for their 6+ hours of sunlight we water them....this is miss Kinsley's job, and she LOVES every minute of it!

May 5th

Backtracking a little bit to earlier in May. One of Kinsley's favorite chores to help with is sweeping, she LOVES it. Whenever she see's me sweeping she always grabs the dust pan and holds it by/in the pile for me. I say in because sometimes it doesn't work out so well haha. At least half of it always ends up on the ground next to the garbage but I love that she wants to help. Some time's she gets lucky and sweeps all by herself.
This pictures is too cute for a couple reasons. One, how cute is she with her dust pan...she legitimately looks like she's working and two, look at her hair!! No matter what I do I cannot tame the back of her hair! I get it wet brush it out and it looks curly and pretty for about 15 minutes, unit she rubs it on something and poof. This might be her beauty trouble in life.

This girl means business, she is one hard worker!

I love that the broom is at least twice her size, but she doesn't let that stop her!

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