Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Morning potion making

Morning Potion Making
May 20th, 2014
When my children are all grown and out of the house and many years have passed since they were little I know I wont remember all the things I want to. All the special moments, the things that made us laugh and the things they loved doing. That is why I do this blog, to remember. Because lets face it, no matter how cute or sweet something may seem If you don't write it down there's a good chance it will be forgotten or replaced with all the other memories that come along, especially the little moments in life.
One thing I never want to forget is Brody and his potion making! I don't remember the exact thing that started his love for potion making, but I do remember it having to do with leftovers in the kitchen. Anything I have left over he wants to make a potion out of, any bottle that is almost gone or has gone bad will be claimed by the Brodster for potions!! I have to admit I may get frustrated with all the messes that get left behind but I do love the fun memories! For Christmas I went to the dollar store, bought a bunch of food/spices, printed off fun labels and made his own potion making kit. He had lemon juice "ghost tears", hot sauce "squid ink", baking soda "graveyard dust, fragrant gel balls as "spider eggs and lots more...he LOVES it! More often then not it's the unexpected things that really make Brody happy, not the expensive toys but the leftover food. He is our creative boy!

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