Wednesday, August 21, 2013

8 Months

8 Months
August 21st, 2013
This “monthday” was another specially one, it was yet again spent with my parents. This time we were at their house! I am a little bummed about the pictures on her actually 8 monthday, by the time we got around to taking pictures it was way too dark. I do have some AWESOME ones from our beach trip, just a couple days earlier so I will include those as well.
(Her on her actual 8 month day)
I really have no idea on weight or height, we will find out next month at her check up though.
Her heath has been pretty dang good, nothing to complain about thank goodness!! We like healthy babies around here!
This poor girl, we have been traveling so much lately. Between our trip to St George, moving and this trip to the beach/my parents its hard to keep her on a sleeping routine. Once we moved into our new home we got her back to a good night time sleep. She also was doing awesome with taking two naps a day, a morning one 1.5 – 2 hours after she woke up and one later in the afternoon, both lasting a couple hours. Then we went on vacation again, so far naps have been hard because we’ve been keeping busy and nights are just starting to be rough. She sleeps in the bed with Brody and I the majority of the night. Hopefully once we get home we can fix her bad sleeping habits, definitely worse part of traveling with a baby.
She is still pretty much right on track, mostly wearing 6-9 with the exception of some 9 month, along with some 6 month.

Her diet hasn’t changed all that much from last month. The biggest change is that she is eating more jarred food. She loves her fruit!! Her favorites so far are mango, pears, apples and cherries and applesauce. I have found that peaches seem to be one of her least favorite, but she will still eat them, just not as well. She also loves the orange flavored yogurt bits and the mango-peach little puffs. She won’t give her baby rice or oatmeal the time of day. She still isn’t nursing as well as I would like but hasn’t completely given up on it. And she STILL can’t figure out how to use a bottle or sippy cup! She just puts it on the side of her mouth and chews on it.
I still can’t complain too much about her crying, but this is one dang stubborn and determined little girl. When she’s good she rocks, but when she’s bad she’s really bad. If she wants something or wants to be help she can scream like to other. And were not just talking a loud cry were talking a full out I’m ticked off as heck scream. We may have our hands full with this little girl when she’s older!
She is now a pro at the army crawl…yes the army crawl, not the actual crawl. It’s so funny to see, I don’t think Brody did it at all so I’m not used to seeing it. She can get anywhere and everywhere she wants with it! She is also pulling herself up onto her knees to look at things, also fun. She is getting better and better at feeding herself, and is such a cutie and likes to try and feed whoever is sitting next to her. She now has 2 sharp little teeth poking out really well on the bottom!
 Products I'm loving
Two words…binky clip!!! Seriously a life saver. I cant even tell you how many binkies we have gone through, and after going to Disneyland and loosing the only one we had I was not about to go traveling again without one again.
Fun Facts
She is getting to be sooo much fun!! Her little personality is coming out so much these last couple months. She laughs so much and just such a fun spirit to have in the family. She is also such a people person; she does not like to be alone. She wants to be apart of anything and everything that is going on. I have a feeling she is going to be an outgoing person. She loves looking around at everything, which makes it hard to nurse her at times because she has to know everything that is going on…she’s also too busy trying to be apart of everything to stop and take the time to nurse. Another funny nursing fact since I’m on the topic, this mostly happens at night for some reason but at times she wont even let me talk to anyone while nursing her. If Ian and I are talking to starts doing her telling us off cry and stops as soon as we stop talking, silly girl!! She definitely has a very strong personality!! She is only a cuddly baby when she wants to be, which is usually either when she tired or needing some attention. She very extremely rarely will just lay her head on your shoulder and snuggle for no reason. It happens so rarely that when she does Ian and I soak up every second of it…since it never lasts more then a minute max!  Kins and Brody are so different, Brody was such a chill laid back baby while she is very demanding and high strung. She isn’t always hard though, in fact she can be the funniest baby ever at times, we seriously love having her around!! Another fun fact is she is getting really ticklish; mostly on her neck, upper back and her inner thighs. We just adore this little girl! I swear she’s becoming more fun and cuter every single day! This mama’s in love :)
Will add a few more pictures after they get edited!
