Thursday, February 21, 2013

2 Months

Two months
February 21st, 2013

Kinsley Mae 2 months
 We celebrated her 2 months by going over to a friends house for a play date and lunch. Granted Brody was the only one who got to actually play but she got to hang out with the girls and I!

I’m not sure how much she weighs, but I’m positive she has put on some weight. I still need to find a new doctor and make an appointment for her 2 month check up.

Her health seems to be great. No problems that we can see other then an occasional fussiness but unfortunately that’s pretty normal for babies. Her baby acne can get pretty bad at times, as long as I keep up on her ointment it will go away pretty quickly though.


As far as naps go she is great, I couldn’t ask for better naps from this girl! Her whole morning/early afternoon is usually spent napping. She usually wakes up to eat around 6:30 or 7 and will go back to sleep for a few hours, sometimes not waking up again till noon. She definitely likes to nap. This month has been a roller coaster as far as bedtime goes though. We aren’t sure if the whole moving threw her off or just the age and phase that she was going through but things changed that for sure. She used to go to sleep great at night and only wake up once to eat. The beginning of this month was horrible, like a living nightmare for me. I swear ALL I ever wanted to do was sleep, in fact that’s usually what I did during the day, I was lucky if I got a shower in by 3 or 4…yes it was that bad. She wouldn’t want to go to sleep until midnight or later and even then would constantly wake up, and she always wanted to sleep with us. Luckily the last couple weeks have been pretty good. A friend of mine told me to try and keep her up from 7 to 10, which we have been doing and its worked wonders. There have been several nights where she will go to bed around 10:30 or 11 and not wake up to nurse until 6am, which has been wonderful although it doesn’t happen every night. Also a positive is I have gotten her to be ok not sleeping in our bed; although some nights I am so tired I don’t even want to mess with it and just put her in our bed (bad I know).
Just love these little baby feet :)

I know this sounds unreal but I just barely packed up most of her newborn clothes a couple weeks ago. She grew out of some faster then others; I swear every stores sizes are different. As of now she can still wear some 0-3 months and 3 months. Again weird because some 3 months fit her since she was a couple weeks, just depends on the store. Dresses have always been a different story, her legs are so long that she’s been in mostly 3 months since the beginning. Makes me so sad how much she is growing already :( Wish I could keep her my little baby forever.

Milk Milk and more Milk! Her first little bit of life I was really worried about how much she actually eat because she eats so fast, and usually only nurses on one side. I was so used to Brody where every feeding would take forever! I figure she must just eat fast because she has to be getting what she needs. She is starting to nurse on both sides more and more lately too. It has been nice having her be such a fast eater for those times when we’re in a hurry to get somewhere or I’m in the middle of something.

This girl can cry…that’s for sure, but she still isn’t that bad. I really can’t complain too much. I also really can’t say for sure what her crying is like because it changes so often. Some days she will be completely fine sitting by herself in her bouncer chair while I’m getting things done and other days the minute I lay her down she freaks out. She has quiet the dramatic cry too, sometimes Brody and I can’t help but laugh! I know that’s bad but she just acts like it’s literally the end of the world. The past week or so has been pretty good with her crying, I’m hoping it stays that way. She does like being held, so for the most part as long as she’s being held she’s good to go.

She is getting really pretty good at holding her head up, it still bobs around from time to time but for a 2 month old I think she does great. She has been trying to hold her head up from the very beginning so I’m not too surprised. She’s also great at focusing on us, I swear she follows me around with her eyes everywhere I go haha. She’s been smiling and “baby laughing” a lot lately; it’s the cutest sweetest thing ever. She chats with us a lot too, I love it so much. We will just “chat” back and forth for quiet a while, she’s so fun!

Products I'm loving.
 I have loved having her Lollypop muslin swaddle blankets. They are so nice because they are bigger then the normal receiving blankets I used with bro, which has come in handy since she’s so big. I also love the feel and texture of them. I’m also loving her Boppy newborn lounger, my friend bought it for her and it has been wonderful!!! She sleeps in it almost every night (other then those lazy days I put her in bed with us). She also lays in it during the day for naps and stuff, I have absolutely loved it. I will use it with every baby, it is just so nice because they sink right into it and it’s so comfy. I have also loved the lavender scent baby lotion (we just use the Wal-Mart brand although in the past I used Johnson brand), it’s great for those days I don’t have time to give her a bath so she can still smell great. One last thing, white long sleeve onsies have been a lifesaver! Most of her clothes I bought were from second hand stores so It was hard to find the right season of things. But I have made it work with just layering short sleeve things over her white long sleeve onsies.  
We just had to celebrate her 2 month "birthday" with her first nail clipping and mini manicure!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Smiles for Daddy

 Smiles for Daddy
February 19th, 2013
We love it when this little girl smiles.  All three of us are always trying to get her to smile, and I think she loves it too because she does it quiet often. She loves the attention! Tonight Daddy was hanging out with her and I managed to capture some of her smiles, what a sweetie!!

Daddy sure know how to make his little girl happy :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Trip to the zoo

Trip to the zoo
February 18th, 2013
 Today was a holiday and we had finally received a pay check so we decided to go have some fun as a family and visit the Phoenix zoo. I was also excited because this would be Kinsley's first big outing, and first time really being outside for very long.
All packed up and ready to go! It was so nice out, of course being that we were in Phoenix. It was the perfect weather, this made me excited to be able to take Kinsley out in it.
The first thing we did was ride the carousel, Brody of course enjoyed that.

I don't know why but for some reason he really wanted to ride "the bird". He already had it picked out and everything while we were waiting in line. Haha I was tempted to sway him into riding the lion or something a little more manly but I figured it wouldn't hurt to let him ride his bird.

I wish I would have got a better picture of this one, it was a bunch of huge amazon fish, we thought they were pretty cool.

 Almost everywhere there was water there was also turtles. I would say these little guys were one of Brody's favorite animals, which was funny because they weren't even the main attractions.

We thought since Bro liked the little swimming turtles so much he would love this huge thing, but turns out he wasn't all that interested. I still thought he was cool, I have never seen one this big!!

Bro next to some big elephant skulls.

Brody did so good, we could tell he was getting tired but he didn't once complain and want to be held. Daddy was nice and gave him a ride for a while :)

Miss Kinsley was perfect, she slept almost the whole time!! Just towards the end did she finally decided to wake up.

Finishing up lunch. It was nice to have Kinsley awake and looking around. I was so glad the weather was nice enough for her to be out!

We forgot to wipe down Brody left over pizza haha, but I thought this picture was pretty cool with the lion roaring in the background.

Kinsley nice and happy after being feed. Before we left I didn't clue into the fact that it would warm there so we weren't prepared as far as sun screen and a hat for Kinsley goes. All we could find once we were there was this hat, size 0-18 months. Who does that, seriously 0-18 months, needless to say it was huge, but I still think it was cute!

This picture cracks me up, Daddy taking care of the kids. Poor Kinsley is squashed between the two boys!

Brody thought this statue was fun to say the least!

I have never been around these kind of cactus, and had no idea they could be this big!!

Brody and I got to go and see the sting rays, they were awesome!

Brody had a blast with them! I wasn't able to get any pictures of him actually touching any, but he did get to touch quiet a few.

This one has to be the funniest story of the whole day. Brody asked me if this guy was going to eat us. I told him no, that the fences were there to make sure he cant get out. Brody then wipes his forehead with his hand and says "phew, those zoo keepers are really nice!"

Oddly enough this was one of Brody's favorite exhibits, if not favorite. He thought these guys were SO funny! They kept standing up and making these funny noises, Brody couldn't get enough of them!

Headed back to the car after a long fun day!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day

Valentines Day
February 14th, 2013
I always like doing fun things for the holidays, especially for Brody he always loves it! I thought it would be fun to decorate his door with these hanging hearts, luckily he usually only opens one of his doors so I just had to decorate the one side.

I got Brody a few of his favorite things and put some cute little sayings with them, he thought they were pretty fun. He was so cute, every time I would read one he would smile so big and either say "I love you mom" or give me a big hug.

Kinsley is still too young to do really fun things for but I did manage to get some headbands for her.

Ian was such a sweet valentines. He came home for his lunch and brought Brody and I Panda express, one of our favorites. He also got me two different boxes of chocolates, flowers, and two picture frames (he knows I love pictures). He also left a ton of hearts out in the living room, I think hes getting the whole Valentines thing down :) Brody and I bought Ian a bunch of his favorite things and put cute sayings on them. I made him a frame where I can write reasons I love him on and made his favorite dinner. I must say we had a great Valentines day.
