Sunday, March 1, 2015

37 weeks

37 weeks
March 1st, 2015
How far along? 37 weeks and 4 days.

Total weight gain: 35 pounds.

Maternity clothes? I really only wear my maternity jeans, leggings, sweats or maxi skirts. No more non-maternity jeans for me, even with a belly band!! I have also started wearing Ian’s shirts around the house sometimes, this is the first pregnancy I’ve ever done this and I’m kind of loving it.

 Stretch marks? Pretty sure there’s a few new ones but I still can’t complain too much.

Sleep: Wither I sleep good or not really depends on the night. I have had a lot of really bad nights lately, but I still have some good ones. The main things that keep me awake are my acid reflex, heartburn and just plain discomfort. Oh and if Kinsley is in our bed (which happens more then I’d like to admit) I have an extremely hard time sleeping well. She wants to snuggle with me all night and it makes it really hard to turn over and get comfortable.   

Best moment this week? Saturday was pretty great! We woke up to more snow so we all went out had a snowball fight played around and built a snow man. We came in got warmed up with hot chocolate and made their entire room a blanket fort and we finished the night off with a game of go fish. The kids had a blast!!   
Miss anything? Being able to walk like a normal person…cross my own legs without having to lift them with my hands…shave my legs…put pants on without sitting down first…paint my toenails. I just really miss being comfortable.  

Movement: He is still a way calm baby but I can tell he is getting bigger and bigger because his movements are insane. Almost every time he moves you can see it from the outside, me whole stomach changes shape with his movements. It actually kind of freaks Ian out haha. He makes these cone type shapes out of my stomach all the time. I even have to admit that it gets a little creepy, especially when I can see an elbow coming out of my belly button…that’s the weirdest feeling/looking thing ever.  

Food cravings: Orange juice hasn’t been sitting to well with my acid reflex, but I have loved apple juice and 7up lately.

Food aversions: Nothing.

Boy or girl:Boy J

Labor signs: Not really. He feels like he’s going to kick or fall out of me sometimes and I’m getting Braxton hick contractions like CRAZY, also lots of cramping. But I can tell none of it has been the real deal yet. I have to admit that going into labor is constantly on my mind though, I think I’m going to go insane by the time my due date comes around.   
Symptoms: I think the right question is what symptom don’t I have. I can’t walk sit or lay down without being uncomfortable. I have acid reflex and heartburn like no other! I will seriously wake up coughing and chocking on whatever is coming up…ya it’s gross. My back and feet kill me. The top of my legs are soo incredibly sore. And to top it all off the burning feeling on the top right side of my stomach that I had with Kinsley is back. I only had it about the last 3 weeks with Kins but this time around if I go full term it will be 6 weeks. It is so horrible, It feels as if there is so much weight to hold that my muscles and skin are ripping apart, leaving me with this insanely painful burning sensation. Let’s just say I’m ready to get my body back.

Belly Button in or out? Out  

Wedding ring on or off? Off.

Looking forward to: Next week…spring break!!
Fun facts: I thought I was carrying this baby low before; well I’m pretty sure he’s dropped so he’s even lower! I sometimes wonder how he’s even staying inside of me. He kicks the crap out of my woman parts which doesn’t help either; there is always soooo much pressure I literally don’t know how he manages to stay inside of me. I know he can’t just pop out but it sure feels like he’s going to sometimes. Like I mentioned before my heartburn and acid reflex is insane this time around, I just started taking zantac so crossing my fingers it gets better.
We are getting closer to finalizing a name! Although knowing me that could change at any minute, I have a really hard time committing to a name. We are down to two but for the life of me I cannot just pick one. Ian is pretty much done and says I can pick whatever I want haha.  I am full blown going through the nesting stage right now, its quiet insane actually. I want to get so many things done yet don’t have the energy for even half of it. I want the house absolutely perfect when baby boy arrives which is completely crazy because he won’t have a clue what’s even going on haha.  
One last thing, this might be the first baby I go into labor naturally with. I say might because our Doctor is really against inducing but he said he would if I go a week late. This really freaks me out, the thought of possibly not being prepared when I go into labor freaks the crap out of me. It will be a whole new experience!

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