Friday, October 11, 2013

Favorite Reason

Favorite Reason
October 11th, 2013
There has been A LOT of lost sleep around here lately, Miss Mae seems to have forgotten how to sleep at night. I will say it plainly...I like my sleep, and if something gets in the way of my sleep I'm usually a less then pleasant person to be around. So as you can imagine I have been having a very difficult time with all of this.
Last night Kinsley woke up hysterically screaming but instead of leaving her in her bed for a while to try and cry it out I immediately went and got her and brought her into our room. She usually calms down after I nurse her and she is laying next to us but tonight was a different story. Nothing would calm her down, nothing. Yesterday I saw another tooth coming in, so we gave her some teething tablets, I sat up with her in bed and cuddled her close. She closed her eyes and nestled into me.
As I held me tight I looked down and saw one of the most beautiful sights a mothers eyes could ever lay upon. My arm was snuggly wrapped around her head, which laid on my chest as she breathed in and out in a sound sleep. The love I felt for this little girl was almost unbearable. I didn't care that it was 2am, I didn't care that just a few seconds ago she was screaming her head off, I didn't care that I would be tired as heck in the morning...all I cared about was the precious moment we were sharing.
Then I realized how little we do this, how much I am missing out on. It's not like I don't have opportunities to sit and enjoy these tender moments in life, but I choose to pass them up. There is always something else I could be doing. There is always dishes to be washed, laundry to be folded and put away, messes to be picked up, floors to be swept, and bathrooms to be cleaned...and there always will be. But my baby will not always be a baby, she will not always want to fall asleep in my arms, she will not always "think" she needs me, in fact she will not always be in our home with me. So I came to a realization last night, I need to cherish these moments when they come and not quickly pass them by for something else that needs to be done. I need to slow my life down and realize what truly is important to me.
I cannot think of a better way to lose sleep then watching my precious baby sleep away the night :)


  1. So sweet, Alissa. You made me tear up. I, also, am a lady who LOVES her sleep. I've been getting it in small does lately, too. We had a rough night last night, but you are so right, these little ones won't stay small forever. It's so important to cherish the time we have to cuddle them.

  2. I've been the same way with Trenton. He is finally sleeping more than 2-3 hrs a night and not constantly screaming at 5.5 weeks old. Even though I'm ridiculously exhausted all the time I've been trying to cherish the moments I have nursing and snuggling with him even if it's during the night when I could be sleeping

