Tuesday, November 27, 2012

36 weeks

36 weeks
November 27th, 2012

How far along? 36 weeks and 4 day.

Total weight gain: 31 pounds. I am measuring at 36 weeks so I’m right on.

Maternity clothes? Still same as always. I doubt I will buy anymore maternity clothes either since I have such little time left.

Stretch Marks? No new ones, just those two red ones I found the other week.  

Sleep: I never get a full nights rest. I’m constantly waking up either from being uncomfortable or needing to use the restroom. It’s insane how much I use the restroom; sometimes it can get up to 5 or 6 times a night! I have such a hard time getting uncomfortable too. I used to love cuddling with Ian at night and now I just want my space to at least attempt to be comfortable.  

Best moment this week? The other day Ian didn’t have to work so we got to spend some time together as a family, which doesn’t happen very often. We went to Dixie rock first, Brody’s favorite place, and did some exploring. Ian and Brody also did some “rock climbing”, Bro was pretty nervous at first but ended up loving it! After that we went to Café Rio, one of our favorite restaurants and then went to munchies after for some frozen yogurt. One time at our doctor’s appointment they took forever, and we weren’t able to see the doctor because he was at the hospital so to make up for it they gave us a Café Rio gift card,  we were excited to use it. And Brody’s club teacher gave him a coupon for munchies that he has been bagging us to use.  

Miss anything? Lately I have been missing being able to be crafty, and my sewing machine my mom and I had. There are SOO many cute things I want to make for our little girl but we just don’t have the money, it makes me so sad :(

Movement: Yes, she not active all the time but she gets very crazy when she does move. She still moves the most in the evening, her little legs and arms poke out quiet a bit which is fun to feel and see.

Food cravings: We have been having a lot of orange Julius’s, and I love them!! I think its because it’s the next best thing to shaved ice. The last few weeks I have also been craving pop!! And not just any kind, it has to be 7up or sprit, the cheap kinds wont cut it either. I know its horrible to crave pop but I want it so bad!!

Food aversions: None really, I can even do ground beef to a certain degree. Ian and I had whooper juniors the other night and I loved it!! It was the first hamburger I’ve had in months, I honestly could have eatin 3 or 4 of them!!

Boy or girl: Girl :)

Labor signs: Lots of Braxton hick contractions. I am dilated to a 2 and am 70% thinned. I have also lost my mucus plug.


Symptoms: Here’s the list haha, Acid reflex as always if I don’t take my medicine soon enough, although If I do take it I’m fine lately. Total and complete lack of energy, I literally have no energy  for anything. Ian said that he has noticed me lately getting a lot more tired a lot easier. It was my turn for sharing time the last two weeks, last week I told a story at the very beginning, by the end of the story I was out of breath and needing to fan myself…what the heck!! I get so extremely hot as well, I mean like sweating hot which is weird given that its almost December. Lots of either Braxton hick contractions or actual contractions, not quiet sure what they are. Whatever they are they are getting more intense though. My back aches like crazy, in fact my whole body aches, everything on me is sore! But my back is definitely the worse. My belly button has been hurting like crazy too, which I was told today would probably turn into a hernia after I give birth. I mentioned the pain I have been having on my right side of the top of my stomach and my doctor said it is a nerve that the baby is like bothering or something, and man does it hurt! Its my worst symptom of all, it burns so bad it feels like muscles are ripping.

Belly Button in or out? Out, very very out.

Wedding ring on or off? Off. It was getting pretty hard to take off so I have been keeping it off. Im scared to death to get it stuck. I don’t want it to be bothering me during labor and not be able to get it off.

Looking forward to: Having this baby! In a way I will miss being pregnant, but Im ready to be comfortable in my own body again and have our little girl with us. I’m content with the time I have left but still excited for the approach of my due date. I am also looking forward to moving. A couple in our ward has a basement apartment they rent out and the people that are in it right now are moving out at the end of December. It doesn’t quiet have the extra storage we are looking for but it is really nice! And it has an awesome backyard complete with a super cool swing set in a sand pit and play house for Brody. It’s also right next door to our really good friends, so I’m pretty excited about it. It’s not a 100% thing but we are definitely leaning towards it.

Fun facts: Since I have been so bad about doing my weekly updates lately Ill do some catching up here. On the 13th we had an appointment, I was told that they would be checking to see if I was dilated but they held of till the week after to do it. I was having a lot of discharge so they gave me an ultrasound to make sure my amniotic fluid was ok. Everything ended up being fine and it was a lot of fun to see our little girl, she looked huge compared to the last time we saw her! My cervix was also completely closed so no worries of going into labor. Since Brody was so big I asked how big she was, at 34 ½ weeks she already weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces, which put her in the 87th percentile!! We were also told to expect her to put on half a pound per week so to expect another 9+ pound baby. I know this shouldn’t have been a surprise to me but I was hoping to not have another enormous baby. My next appointment was on Wednesday the 21st, this time they did check me and I was dilated to a 2 but not thinned out at all. I also got the whopping cough shot at that visit. For some reason the exam made me almost faint, as soon as I sat up I got extremely hot and sweaty and my ears started to loose their hearing. Everything got muffled and started to sound like a far off noise. Luckily I laid down on my side in time for it to go away. The doctor said it’s not uncommon at all at this point in pregnancy, that lying on your back can easily do that. The next day which just happened to be Thanksgiving (nov 22nd), I lost my mucus plug in the afternoon. We also had an appointment today, which I was checked at again. I am still at a 2 but am now 70% thinned. We also learned today that the babies head is down. Onto some other fun facts, for the past month or so I haven’t been able to eat as much at a time, and it just keeps getting worse, I can hardly eat a full meal sometimes. I have to do small snacks throughout the day. Also Ian and I did Brody’s Christmas shopping last Saturday, as we were walking to our car a car drove by us and the girl had a huge smile on her face. They must have parked while we were getting things into the car because all of a sudden we heard someone say excuse me to us. She again had a huge smile on her face and said “You look so cute pregnant!” It couldn’t have been better timing because just earlier that day I was feeling down about how big my belly is getting. Also our little girl has the hiccups like crazy, I swear like multiple times a day. And one more, our doctor said I am officialy full term :) 

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