Monday, January 7, 2013

Bath time

Kinsley's First Bath
January 7th, 2013
Kinsley technical has had baths if you include the bathing her with a washcloth, but today was her first actual bath! How sad is it that its been 5 days since her umbilical cord fell off and I'm just getting around to bathing her, ugh I feel like I'm not as good at parenting this time around. Its just so different when there is two. Your first is so easy, they are all you have to worry about, now that there's two its a whole different story.
Well back to the bath, when I first put her in she flinched big time and threw her arms up in the arm. The look on her face was so adorable haha, like she had no idea what was going on. She cried for like half a second then laid back and lounged the whole time. She loved it!! I cant remember how big Brody was in his bath, but it seems to me like shes already outgrown it!? Maybe they are supposed to be big like this in them? Either way we will be taking a lot of baths around here, this girl sure likes to me pampered...wonder where that came from :) 

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