Friday, January 11, 2013

Kinsley week 3

Kinsley Mae Week 3  
January 11th, 2013

Kinsley week 3


I cannot believe that we have already had Miss Kinsley with us for 3 weeks. The time has seriously flown by!! It has been a wonderful 3 weeks, but I’m so sad to see them go. I know I can’t slow down time but oh how I wish I could. I want to keep her my little baby forever. I think part of why I don’t have her to grow up so fast is that right from the beginning she was already so big, and she is just going to keep getting bigger and bigger!

I tried my darndest to take good pictrues of this little princess, but as you can see I am no these will just have to do.
As of Monday she weighed 10 pounds 6 ounces. I’m hoping she weighs more now, she was supposed to be back to her birth weight by 2 weeks and as of Monday she still wasn’t.
Everything seems to be going good with her heath. The doctor thinks she might have thresh on her tongue (since it’s so painful for me to nurse), so we have some medication to give her for that. Other then that she’s doing great!  
 I just had to post this picture...look at the rolls on this cutie!! Shes definitly living up to her big baby title.

This week sleep has been a little harder then normal, still not bad enough that I can really complain. One of the hardest parts is she tends to not want to actually go down for the night until really late, like after midnight late. But this is also kind of a nice thing because I am a night owl so am up anyways and since she’s up too she sleeps in, which I would much rather do then go to bed early. On a good night she will wake up maybe once to eat, sometimes sleep through the whole night and wake up early like 5 or 6 am to eat then go back to sleep. But on her hard nights she can wake up around 3 times, and sometimes it takes her around an hour to go back to sleep. She is quiet the stinker with where she sleeps though, she pretty much refuses to sleep in her bed so she always sleeps with us. I’m sure If I made her she would eventually sleep in her bed but I am one of those people who needs sleep or I get dang cranky, so I haven’t got the courage to go through with that yet. Plus with Ian working nights I kind of like to company, and let’s just be honest…I love snuggling with my little girl!! I do have to admit that I sleep better when she isn’t in the bed though, Its more comfortable and I don’t wake up uncomfortable and with a back ache.
As surprising as it may be she can still fit into quiet a few of her newborn clothes. They have to be stretchy though, she has some dresses that aren’t stretchy and I made the mistake of trying to shove her into them…that was not fun for either of us!! She also of course wears 0-3 months and I’ve even put some 3 month things on her, they are a little roomy but fit pretty good for the most part.
She is still pretty sleepy, which I am not going to complain about! I would say she sleeps for the majority of the day. When she is awake she seems to be getting more and more alert though. Ian made the comment just last night that she is exploring the world around her a lot more lately. When she is awake she moves her head around and tries to look at everything. She focuses on our faces a lot more too, even though Ian swears she will not look at him haha. She did go to the park for the first time on Wednesday, although she sleep through the whole thing. 
All Milk!! I am breastfeeding her, which is going ok. She is a big time snacker though!! She hardly ever eats for more then 10 minutes, and that’s if I’m lucky. Most of the time she acts like she’s starving so ill feed her and 5 minutes later she’s either fast asleep or completely disinterested. She’s also weird because sometimes she will want to nurse every half hour while other times she will go 5 hours and ill finally make her. I really need to get this girl on a schedule weather she likes it or not. Yesterday was a really weird day, the whole day she only nursed about 3 or 4 times and half the time she would throw up everything right after she was done eating. I’m hoping it was just a funky day for us and that doesn’t happen again.
She has been crying a bit more lately. She used to hardly ever cry, and only when she was hungry but now she seems to just get crabby sometimes. But even with that she still is a really good baby! I think she’s getting clingier too, she cries more now if someone isn’t holding her. She does like her binky though which helps, it can usually calm her down. It’s nice because she isn’t attached to the binky but she will take it. If you sshhh her, in a nice way of course J she usually stops crying, rubbing her check with the back of your finger works miracles as well. I have even found that rubbing her back in a circular motion calms her down too, so thank goodness there are plenty of things to calm this crying baby down.
No big milestones yet, but they will come and we are excited for them :)
Fun Facts
This little girl is the loudest eater ever! It’s insane the sounds she makes, you can probably hear her eating all the way across the room. She also makes just about the cutest most adorable noises ever when she sleeps! I am determined to get a video of it. Its almost like she’s purring, it melts my heart every time I hear it. She also makes just about the cutest face ever, she puckers her lips real tight and out, I don’t know if that makes sense but its stinker cute. And one last thing, just the other day I noticed a mole or a dark freckle in her left ear; I swear it wasn’t there before or maybe it’s just taken me this long to notice? Either way its there, and it’s cute :)


  1. Soo precious !! You did good girl. I love her name too!!!

  2. so cute! I miss having a baby!! mine is HUGE and 2 in a few weeks : ( He was small to begin with but grew super fast and hasn't been small for a LONG time!! miss it

  3. Thanks! I'm glad you like her name :) I seriously still wonder if I choose the right one! And it goes by way too fast, I hate it I want her to be my little newborn for much longer.

