Sunday, May 4, 2014


May 4th, 2014
Although being a ward mission leader and missionary is a lot of work, its also a lot of fun!! We get to work closely with these awesome missionaries and get to know them very well. We especially love having all of them over for dinner, we laugh at least 80% of the time! The ward we are in has three different towns in it, so there are three sets on missionaries and two elder couples serving in our ward...yeah we have a lot!! Transfer's are on Tuesday, and two of our favorite elders are leaving so they asked to come over to our house for dinner. I hate saying good bye!

Elder Lind is awesome!! Every single time he eats at our house he always washes dishes, and not only his own but he fills the drying rack. Most of the time he misses out on fun conversations but he doesn't care, he always tells me that he is just so grateful we have them over he wants to make sure we will have them back. How awesome is he!   
Elder Lind has been here almost 7 months. He will be going to Durango Colorado and off of the reservation.
Elder Hilton has been here one transfer longer then Lind. He is serving specifically in our area so we know him better then any of the others. We sure love Elder Hilton! He is so funny and just a fun person to be around. He loves playing games too so he fits right in with us, Avalon is lots of fun with him! We sure will miss Elder Hilton.

Here is everyone


  1. It's so fun getting to know the missionaries! I always feel so old, though, when they call me, "Sister Reese!" I remember when missionaries were the same age I was. Now they are a bunch of babies!

    1. I have started to feel the same!! Some of them call me "mom" in Navajo! Its a normal thing here on the Rez but still makes me feel old!

