Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Easter 2013
March 31st, 2013
Our first Easter as a family of four! We had a wonderful day just spending time together. We had church first of course, and since we have 8am church (I didn't even know that existed until now!) the Easter bunny was nice enough to agree to come after. 
Bro has issues with taking pictures when its bright out haha, so we had to try and find some shade. this was the best we could do! Love my cuties!! I tried so hard to find somewhat matching Easter outfits for them but wasn't able to find anything for either! I'm sure our small amount of stores had something to do with it. About a month ago my parents sent this super cute dress for Kinsley which she hadn't worn yet so it worked out perfectly to be her Easter dress. And Bros yellow tie from our wedding was the best I could do, I must say they look dang cute!!

I wasn't able to get a perfect Easter picture but these ones are cute enough :) We sure love these two! It was so fun having Kinsley with us this year.

Brody seriously adores his sister, he is such a sweet big brother to her.
Notice that they are sitting in rock, weird right? Well around here we have rock instead of grass :( I don't know if I will ever truly get used to it. I hope we end up somewhere not in Arizona for this reason alone, I miss grass!! 

Miss Kinsley had about enough of picture taking by now!

This was the first time we brought the bumbo out. Saturday I was sitting on the "fake grass" at the baseball field with Kinsley on my lap and other then my knee supporting her she was sitting all on her own, which was the first time she had done so good. So I figured she could handle to bumbo seat, and she did great!
I just love these cute baby yawns.

Yesterday was our first wedding anniversary and we were busy pretty much all day, then when we got home Ian had to plan his lesson for gospel doctrine, so we never got a chance to dye eggs. It was actually kind of fun to do them today, it might be a new Harvey family tradition.

Bro had a great time, he did all of them but a couple that Ian and I did and ended up wanting more!

Kinsley Winsley always has something in her mouth, whether its her blanket her dress of her hands. Shes getting so good at grabbing things and bringing them where she wants them.

Watching big Brother :)

I showed Bro how you can write on them and how cool they look after they are dyed. The thought it was way fun.

The Binky would land right in the egg dye haha!

We originally wanted to hide the baskets and have Bro find them, but our house is kind of a disaster right now with how busy we have been lately so we put them out on our front porch. Bro thought that was pretty fun!

We couldn't pass up this Star Wars basket, suits him perfects :)

And what better gift to go along with it then some Darth Vader slippers.

Bro helping go through Kinsley's basket and showing her her cute new shirt.

Ian and I are still getting used to having two kids, you would think we would have our act together by now! It also makes it hard that Kinsley is so young because she really cant enjoy much. So everything in her basket was kind of an after thought once again! Luckily I had gone shopping a few days earlier and had some new clothes to put in.

My camera died right after this, and I couldn't find the charger to my other (which was dead too), and of course no batteries were anywhere to be the rest of these pictures were taken on Ian's phone. Not the best quality but they will do!
Daddy helping Kinsley gather some eggs.

We only have three other condos around us, one of them is a second home so they are never there and the one on the other side is a single lady the other is a couple. We hardly ever see anyone so it kind of feels like we have the place to ourselves. We used the whole front and sides to hide the eggs.

Brody was using this egg as a flute haha it was pretty funny.

He LOVES climbing all over these rocks.

These aren't uncommon to Arizona people and really they weren't uncommon in St George either, but we hardly ever saw them in Prosser so their still pretty cool to us. They are always rattling around in the bushes freaking the heck out of me!

Kinsley was too busy checking out her hands to see Daddy sneaking some of her candy ;)

Finding Easter eggs is hard work!!

Me and my two cuties!! We are so blessed to have Brody and Kinsley in our family, they are so sweet and so fun to have around.

Me and my little Princess. For some reason she did not want to look at the camera today!

After the egg hunt I prepared dinner. We were invited by a couple families to join them but we had already planned dinner and kind of just wanted a laid back relaxing day so we stayed home and just enjoyed our little family. I cooked a ham in the crock pot with guess what...root beer, sounds funky right!! I was a little unsure myself but it turned out amazing, easily one of the best hams I have ever had! We had a wonderful dinner and watch a living scripture movie together and just enjoyed our Easter.


  1. I ended up just dressing Kaden in something he already had for Easter this year, too. Bummer outfits in the stores, in my opinion! Looks like you had a great Easter. Your kids are both like your baby clones. :)

    1. I agree, totaly bummer outfits in stores this year :( And I was way excited to dress them all cute since it was Kinsleys first. Everyone tells us how much Kinsley looks like Bro, which I take it means they both look like me :)

  2. Love all the pictures!!! I totally agree on the outfits
    There was not a good selection this year. Micah picked hers then i found a suit that kinda went for Tommy
    I miss you!! Im glad you do a blog. I love seeing your adorable family

